Yep, I'm a Texas girl alright. I was born and raised in Mercedes, Texas. Mercedes is near the Mexican border. Mexico offers great Mexican food, like Cabrito al Pastor, shopping and some night clubbing. Though my night clubbing days are practically over, I have many great memories of going "bar" hopping in Reynosa, Mexico, where my friends and I would go to places like, The Lion's Den, Trevino's Lounge, and La Cucarracha Restaurant and Lounge. Sipping on Pink Ladies and dancing to songs like "Mohaired Sam," "The In Crowd," Devil with the Blue Dress On," "Green Onions," "Dirty Water," "G-L-O-R-I-A," and many other great songs of the mid-1960s, made one heck of a FUN night (sometimes not so much fun with a hangover in the morning). TEX-MEX food just can't be beat, especially the south Texas Tex-Mex. I was 7 years old when my great-grandmother had me grinding spices on a volcanic rock type of spicegrinder called a Molcajete. It is those spices that give the Tex-Mex food its unique flavor. Once you taste Tex-Mex food, you will always be craving it. Did you know that Fajitas were discovered in south Texas? Matter of fact, it was on the King Ranch in Kingsville, Texas. I LOVE TO DANCE. South Texas music is like no other in the world. Dancing to it is like a colorful toy top spinning on the floor with a little wiggle to and fro. It came to be known as Tejano Music, but before that, it was just La Musica de (the music of) Beto Villa, Carlos Guzman, Little Joe and the Latinnaires, Noe Pro, The Cruisers, Simon Reyes, The HiLights, Freddy Fender (Baldemar Huerta), Sunny Ozuna and the Sunglows, later, became Sunny and the Sunliners, and many other great bands. A lot of them got started in garages in the Rio Grande Valley and most toured all over the United States and Mexico. I also LOVE to DANCE to the oldies music. The Twist, The Jerk, The Swim, The Hully Gully and oh, so many other great dances are fun to dance to; even now, I break out in a dance while cooking in my kitchen when listening to oldies. When I get a chance, I dance to Bigband Music. Jitterbug? Of course! A dance is a dance is a dance, but the best dance of all is the SLOW DANCE!....very dreamy..mmm. May I have this dance? I LOVE TO TRAVEL. My first airplane trip was on a prop-job airplane from San Antonio, TX to San Diego, CA when I was 11 years old. I'll never forget it; I threw up twice; once when it landed in El Paso, then when it landed on it's final destination in San Diego..thank goodness barf bags were already invented and on board. Illness forgotten, San Diego left an everlasting impression with it's world famous San Diego Zoo, and nearby newly built Disneyland. In all my travels, I've met many friends; strangers one moment, and then friends for life the next. I've met some of the nicest people in grocery stores, WalMart stores, festivals, concerts, football games, baseball games, and campgrounds. I have found that a single warm smile from someone can start a conversation that will stay with you the rest of your life. Friendships are blessings sent from Heaven and I am thankful for all the friends I've been blessed with. I continue to make new friends and am in awe of just how much love goes into a friendship, whether it be an old or a new friendship. I am a simple person, but probably complicated to some. If you figure me out, you'll find me to be very caring and loving. I enjoy Sunshine, Wildflowers, Butterflies, Rainbows, Sunsets, Full Moons, Shooting Stars, Gentle Breezes on my Face, the Smell of Fresh Cut Grass, Birds Singing in the trees, and the Sound of Ocean Waves. I am in a new relationship with God. He has shed a new light into my world. The new love He put in my heart has taken on a new meaning as I am aging through the 60s. Positive things are happening to me, which is laying a path to the happiness that I seek. God is Strength; He is my strength. God is Love; He is my love. God is Forgiving; He forgives me because he LOVES me. God is my FATHER; I am his Child. Smile - God loves you! I ask the Lord to bless you, as I pray for you today; to guide you and protect you, as you go along your way. God's love is always with you; God's promises are true.