Female 87 years old Christchurch New Zealand
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1268
[ 2 ]
06/21/2016 15:30:12 |
Anything - classical, folk, country and western, rock, pop, jazz, swing - if it has a melody and /or a beat I will enjoy it.
Too many to mention - I read everything from fact to fiction.
Every colour you can imagine
As long as it's not 'junk food' - if it's edible I will eat it.
Born in the UK,and came to New Zealand in 1975 with my second husband. Two children (from my first marriage) who now live in the UK; and a 'kiwi' daughter who lives with us here in Christchurch. Have one large, lazy, male Tiffany cat.
I love life and living - the alternative ain't so appealing. Walking on the beach, drinking wine with good friends, people watching in crowded places ...
Reading, cross-stitch,listening to music, watching motor racing, genealogy, playing 'Upwords' or 'Scramble scrabble', doing jig saws