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People are funny; they want the front
of the bus, the middle of the road, and
the back seats of the church.

mem_normal OFFLINE
87 years old
United States

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Profile Views: 3317
[ 2734 ]

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Profile Views: 3318

JOB: Retired
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 05/01/2008
LAST LOGIN: 03/13/2009 20:53:00

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Jun 13 2008, 5:23 pm by AuntieIrm37
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Jun 05 2008, 11:49 pm by AuntieIrm37
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Jun 02 2008, 7:51 pm by AuntieIrm37
1 1025
Jun 02 2008, 3:13 pm by AuntieIrm37
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May 08 2008, 12:51 pm by AuntieIrm37
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I like the old musical classics. Would you believe my favorites of the new modern ones are the children's animated movies, such as Surf's Up, Babe, Shrek, etc. My age may say 70 but I'm just a kid at heart!

Southern Gospel, Old Fashion Quartets, Classical,
Bluegrass are my favorites.

I enjoy most every book, but my favorites, after the Bible, are the Steeple Hill Books. They have Love Inspired, Love Inspired Suspense, Love Inspired Historical, Steeple Hill Women's fiction and all are Christian books, which I get 12 of each month. I spend a lot of time reading in the nights that I can't sleep. http://www.book-club-offers.com/steeple-hill/

All shades of pale blue and lavenders.

I love everything that comes down the pike, but my favorites are Mexican and rib eye steak, also I'm a chocoholic, love peach bread pudding and Schwans race track ice cream.

Tonight: Partly cloudy with a few showers and thunderstorms especially in Southern Illinois. Lows: 63-71. Winds: S 5.

Friday: Partly cloudy with more showers and thunderstorms especially in the afternoon and evening. Highs: 85-92. Winds: SW 5-10.

Cool Clocks at Wishafriend

I was born in Sikeston, MO then moved to MI when I was 4 and lived there until my husband and I retired, he from over the road truck driving and me from secretary work.
Lyle had 4 children, 3 girls and a boy, we settled into life together, he passed away in Dec. of 91, our baby daughter, Angie in 1998, our son, Bud this May 3rd. I moved back to MO to live with my Mother! Our eldest, Trudy and our middle daughter, Barbara live in Deming, NM. I have 18 grandchildren, and 33 greatgrands.

I retired as "Lea Allen" from a small southern gospel radio station, 104.1Fm in November of 2002. I was the assistant Music Director, DJ and events organizer.
I have been a jack of all trades and have did many things in my lifetime from owning a restaurant, sales management, secretarial as I said, and in my younger days a nanny!

I have had a good, happy life !

Spending time on my computer where I'm admistrator for 2 family sites and a member of many more. Playing my Yamaha keyboard and living with my sweet 92 year young Mother.

And my baby, Miss Sadie!

People with an attitude! Liars, thieves, cheats and two faced people. Neighbor's constant barking dogs.

Americans who bash the

in stead of voting and working to make it a better place to live.

I use to do lots of crafts, however I don't have much time for them anymore since the computer took over my life.

Displaying 3 out of 3 comments
10/20/2021 06:43:16

10/20/2019 09:14:33

Birthday Comments

10/20/2019 03:44:17

Happy Birthday on earth or in heaven...

You are missed!

Hugs from far away!


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