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mem_normal OFFLINE
73 years old

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JOB: Teacher
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RELIGION: Catholic
MEMBER SINCE: 05/19/2008
LAST LOGIN: 08/29/2008 21:13:34

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The Green Mile, The Notebook, French Kiss, The Great Race, Police Academy 1, Little Women (the one with June Allyson and Elizabeth Taylor)

50's/60's rock, country, some classical. I used to think that my taste in music was quite eclectic, but I have come to realise that what I really like are good ballads regardless of the era or genre.

My favourite has always been A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
I will look at almost any book, but if it doesn't hold my interest past the first chapter I tend to not finish it.

I have always loved the colour green. Not just any shade of green, it has to be fresh and bright or I just don't like it.

Roast pork with crackling. When my mother was quite young she found a recipe in a magazine for a cake called Ma Hardy's Chocolate Cake ( from the Andy Hardy movies) it is my absolute favourite. Chocolate mousse, chicken cooked almost any way. Stew with dumplings. Basically most forms of comfort food.

My daughter Deanne had a bone biopsy on Wednesday (07/09/08). She complains about being a mega-sore-ass, but otherwise is feeling fine. We will hear the results in about 3 weeks. Long time to have one's fingers crossed. LOL

Thank you to all those who sent messages wishing Deanne and the family luck and sympathy. It really is much appreciated. It reminds us that we are not alone.

I am 57 years old, when I was 50 I went to university and gained a degree in primary school education. It is a difficult area in which to gain full time employment in Australia. As a result I am still trying to find my own little niche.
Listen to the "I've Been Everywhere" song above; it is the story of my life. I was born in Wollongong and I live in Dapto (15 minutes from Wollongong).
My family is quite large. There are 6 children and 6 grandchildren, a dog, cat and bird. One of my children has been fighting leukaemia for the past two years, she is 31 and has two children of her own. She has survived this long so we are becoming hopeful.

I like winter, foggy mornings, dew on the flowers, babies, puppies and kittens, rainbows, cold rainy days, walking on the beach (even if it is raining), reading, listening to the music that I like, people to talk to, having quiet time, having time to not be quiet, smiling and laughing, watching happy people, movies that make me laugh or cry etc.

Bad language from anyone, but more particularly on television or the movies because that means that I am either a captive audience or the number of movies that I can watch are limited.
Loud raucous music, violent people, hot/spicy food, sweet rice dishes.

Reading, crochet, watching a good movie, spending time with my family.
My new hobby is learning how to interact with the NOTH community, and how to play with my home page.

AussieKaren has 6 friend(s)

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07/14/2021 06:06:26

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