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Bambibino's Profile

73 years old
Simpson, Illinois
United States

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Profile Views: 1342
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Profile Views: 1343

JOB: Disabled
RELIGION: Catholic
MEMBER SINCE: 12/23/2008
LAST LOGIN: 09/06/2010 23:30:44

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Recently, my favorite movie is The King Of Scotland - that was a real eye opener! I love the movie Seven, anything with Adam Sandler in it, and all of Johnny Depp movies. And I absolutely love the Austin Powers series! Go, Dr. Evil!

I like anykind of music except I am not fond of country, unless it is the ollllldddd country. I love the Oldies, Old Rock, Older Hip Hop, and Big Bands.

I love Stephen King, and Sylvia Browne, Cesar Millan.

My favorite color is blue. It represents to me, peace, tranquility, and love.
A Pixel World Creation

Well, that has to be breakfast! I love breakfast anytime of the day!

Hi My Friends! Tumor markers are up. I will be getting chemo soon. Still trying to find a nerve block that will work in my spine. Two treatments, neither have worked. Chemo cocktail this time will be cisplatin and gemsomethingorother. Wish me luck!

I am happy. I am battling ovarian/peritoneal cancer and so far I have made it 3 years this coming March. I have 4 little dogs that fill my day and I am continually amazed at the unconditional love they bring into my life. I have 3 grandkids, two boys, one girl, and one on the way. My daughter and her two little ones live nearby, so I get to see and spoil them regularly! I love being a Nana! I used to breed, raise and show Quarter Horses and Appaloosas until the big "C" hit. Now, I just watch my favorite mare being shown. I live on 40 acres in the middle of the Shawnee National Forest, with a huge barn/arena that is now used for storage. My neighbors graze their cows here and their llama, ET, is my very good friend! Animals have always been a part of my life and I can't imagine being without them. I am also learning Spanish on livemocha.com. Having a blast!

I am a northern gal at heart, being born and raised in Michigan, so I love the cold weather and lots of snow which we rarely get here in southernmost Illinois. I love the UP and have spent many vacations there with my family when I was young. We get puny snow here...LOL! I love to read when I have time, I love Hidden Object computer games. On TV I love Law and Order, and the new series, Leverage. Bones is one of my fav's too. I love sitting in the evening with all my dogs on my lap (three chichi's and one MinPin), all rescued from puppy mills. I love to design websites. I love my friends who check on me and visit regularly.
During the last two years, I have adopted three African children through "CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL". This is such a rewarding and loving experience! Their names are: Yotamu, Hope, and Kashala. They write me letters, sometimes by their moms or grandmothers, and tell me all about the village they live in, their families, what they like about school and favorite activities. I love getting their letters. They are so thankful for just the small amount I donate, but with that small amount, they receive food, medical care, schooling, clothes, household essentials and lots of loving support in the form of letters, from me. I receive a progress report every 6 months as to how they are doing, how their family is doing, and I just can't say enough good about this organization.

I don't like negative people. I avoid them like the plague. I don't appreciate road rage, Holiday idiots, and spicy food. I don't like chemo treatments, but I love my doctor. I don't like people who abuse animals of any kind. I don't like arrogant people who blow their own horns constantly.

My hobbies are reading, watching TV, Hidden Object computer games, caring for my dog babies, visiting with good friends, and walking outdoors when I can. And thanks to Cloud8, I am now learning Spanish on Livemocha.com. It's a lot of fun and you have lots of support!

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04/03/2021 06:30:21

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