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mem_normal OFFLINE
67 years old
Syracuse, New York
United States

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Profile Views: 9786
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Profile Views: 9787

JOB: Public Service
MEMBER SINCE: 10/30/2008
LAST LOGIN: 05/09/2021 18:24:32

Duck Hunt 2
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Jan 10 2014, 6:34 am by BarbMotto
1 177
Oct 24 2013, 7:07 am by BarbMotto
0 2
Oct 14 2010, 7:07 pm by BarbMotto
0 12
Oct 14 2010, 7:05 pm by BarbMotto
0 7
Oct 14 2010, 7:04 pm by BarbMotto
0 7
Oct 14 2010, 7:02 pm by BarbMotto
0 8
Oct 14 2010, 6:59 pm by BarbMotto
0 5
Sep 28 2010, 12:41 pm by BarbMotto
1 612
Sep 28 2010, 12:35 pm by BarbMotto
0 443
Sep 28 2010, 12:32 pm by BarbMotto
0 441
Sep 28 2010, 12:29 pm by BarbMotto
0 434
Sep 28 2010, 12:26 pm by BarbMotto
0 395
Sep 28 2010, 12:24 pm by BarbMotto
0 362
Sep 28 2010, 12:21 pm by BarbMotto
0 421
Sep 28 2010, 12:17 pm by BarbMotto
1 474
Sep 28 2010, 12:14 pm by BarbMotto
0 434
Jul 01 2010, 6:56 am by BarbMotto
0 521
My Topics: 17   Guest Topics: 0
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I like Kathy Bates Movies "Misery, A Home Of Our Own ,Deloris Claiborne" Rocky Movies Comedy all Lucy Movies.

I enjoy the older Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin Movies I enjoy all comedy most of all some horror movies are fun but not priority.

I also like Bedtime for Bonzo with Ronald Regan All Christmas movies and Christmas cartoons Old time classic westerns are great !

I love any John Wayne and lets not forget Mr Limpet and any animal movies .Francis the talking mule what a hoot that was great movies!

I like Classics Over Most of Todays Movies.I enjoy a good scare from a Monster Movie Monster Movie Matinée what a super way to spend a Saturday growing up

I enjoy all Abbott and Costello "Remember Who's on First "plus Robert Deniro movies weird combo I know : )

I also like those Girl flicks yeppers those ones that make us gals teary the Ole tear jerker's get me every time.

I like the old Sherlock Holmes Movies Great detective.I remember watching the first run of the Fog the Birds ,Frankenstein, all the great classics.

For Television Shows
I like Golden Girls, DIY Network, ,and Smallville and Paula's Place, Ciao Italia Ice Road Truckers ,Sci Fi Channel, All My Children for Favorite Soap.

I Like old classics like
Honeymooners,Ed Sullivan Show, Lucy, Leave it to Beaver, You Bet Your Life,Dennis The Menace
Lassie You bet your life, Abbott and Costello Frankenstein

I remember watching Lassie every Sunday night. Crying in front of the Television so sad that Lassie might be in trouble and Timmy needing Help.Oh boy how corny but that was the sixties back then !

My favorite music is still always Easy Listening Music I'm a Mixed up Music Gal At Heart. But Oldies Still Rock Me .

I enjoy Billy Joel,Eric Clapton ,Sinatra, Louis Armstrong ,Dean Martin Rosemary Clooney Dinah Washington Durante ,Como.

I currently don't do alot of reading my eyes, are starting to fail more now so I will listen to alot more audio books.

I enjoyed in the past Desperation with Kathy Bates in the story. I love good thrill movies ! I love my cookbooks I collect them got around 100 currently from modern to 1920's. I enjoy books of the area I grew up in and currently live in.

I love all books of Local History of New York state. I have different areas of New York State. Im kinda a history buff and collector

I enjoy looking back once in a while picking out that memory of being at that place and how it looked back then.

I love my bird books I enjoy my outdoors so darn much seeing the birds and feeding the birds I get such a happiness from.

christmas photo: Magic of Christmas MagicofChristmasGIF.gif

Anything that's a warm color bright Oranges, Yellows Tangerines Lilac. Colors that warm a heart leave you feeling good inside and outside.
Thanks For Your Visit Here!

Well this question I can answer so many ways but Lets start here. We Interrupt this Broadcast for this important announcement
Ah Hum C H O C O L A T E had to get that off my chest yeppers I'm a chocoholic now back to the story

My Mother made a Spaghetti and Meatballs that was to die for.I sure miss that alot I can make it but it's just not the same ever.

For meats I enjoy a good steak,
medium rare yeah I know YUCKY but not for me !
I Love hamburger also I can eat a burger,4 days a week no problem ! AKA WIMPY

Veggies OK Prepare yourself Corn Potatoes, Peas, Onions Thats It ..
I'm not a veggie gal.
I hang my head in shame : (

Deserts since you brought it up OK he he lets go there !

First Chocolate Pie

Second Blueberry Pie

Third Chocolate cake

Fourth Mayonnaise Cake

Fifth Orange Moravian Box Cake

10/24/2013 07:08:45

Pepsi Waitress photo ml101.jpgenjoy a coke photo Cokewithice.gif

Hello Guess what I got married Dec 24 ,2014 Christmas Eve what a surprise . I could not be happier things are good being treated well new husband is a gem !

Hi those of you who use Facebook I am there and let me know your my hill friends and I will add you in. I have a recipe area with my homemade recipes handed down thru generations and my own recipes. Here is the link for my www.facebook.com/groups/FromMyKitchenwithlove.
Hello there everyone what a time it has been sometimes I think I should jot down all the crazy stuff that happens just to reflect back on later and laugh…
Lifes been a whirlwind ride last 2 yrs had some ups a lot of downs been burrowing thru the ups to keep the positive flowing... Well life tosses lemons heck I duck been hit to many times now.. I look forward to spring and being free out in my kayak to reflect and forget the hard sad times I have had..
I know theres a light at the end of the tunnel just someone forgot to turn it on for me so Please turn on the light soon I am tired of darkness.

They say what don't kill us makes us stronger well by gosh thats so true.. I hope that this finds all my hill pals well and enjoying the fine weather we have had..

I love my outside world and try to spend time out before winter sets in. I like to stop and smell the flowers and enjoy a cook out with friends. I used to fish but not standing for long bothers me and I cant see to fix my hook so I gave it up .. .

zwani.com myspace graphic comments

They say if life throws you lemons you make lemonaide but whats to do when life throws so many challanges at you good and bad ones augh..

Goals Get caught up !!!

My New Husband Ralph !

5 cent pepsi photo img11-1.jpg< >


Hello Hugs and Love to all my dear friends here on the hill.

I dont know like everyone what the future holds but I take it like you day by day.

I hope you all understand that not being here wasn't easy but I am feeling at peace again and home here on the hill.

Hugs and Love Best Wishes Always without You I'm just not Me.

I have some exciting news again it don't happen often but when it does WOW WE !!! I am a Ordained Minister now and I could not be happier. I have been doing Baptisms and I currently have 2 weddings to do one in October one in November. Life has been wonderful things have looked up gotten so much better Getting older isn't easy for sure. I lost a friend to a blood clot that burst in Nov that was rough.I am currently working two jobs both on as needed basis my job as a Minister and at the school as a Custidioan I like keeping busy!

I am hopeful that all things go perfect . I have a new job I love Im a female custodian at the school by me and I love it..

I love my outside time I am referring to for wild squirrels birds wolves foxes coyotes. My dad was a game warden for 34 years and took me under his wing on his job to learn about animals first hand. I just never stopped loving my critters !

I'm a Gram to 2 little ones Jordan and Adrianna.

I enjoy Kayaking Hiking Fishing Canoing Camping a lot. I love those senior moments I'm having.

href="http://s173.photobucket.com/user/barbmotto/media/img11-1.jpg.html" target="_blank"5 cent pepsi photo img11-1.jpg

I love to cook

I feel empty some days I had some many I took care of and spent time with every day. Being alone does take a toll on you when your so used to doing for others cooking cleaning and odd jobs and just spending time with them.

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I love to cook for a crowd and just see all the oh boys thier mouth is saying that makes me smile.

send in goodies for Ralphs co Workers they tell Ralph they are stopping off here for some cookies. I hope to throw many more parties for Ralphs co workers and Friends.

I love my Summer cookouts then relaxing at the evening fire pit watching warming by the fire.
I just love eating toasted marshmallows. If something feels right why stop Marshmellows never killed anyone yet I hope .I only eat like 5 then im done !

I love barbecues cooking food over the charcoals makes me happy the smell the taste Ralph and I cook put year around just not eat out in winter brrrrr.

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I just never grew up still gotta have them. Watching Ralph crack up laughing that makes my day always. I love going out in the canoe exploring the Waterways of New York State.

I like meeting new people spending time with them making friends along life's journey we are on. Then of coarse Being a Brat first Naa not really but fun to say : )

I enjoy taking care of others cooking cleaning doing odd jobs.Spending time outside. I have slowed down alot now sadly.

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Now about FISHING yep thats a plus for me Bass Pike Trout Pickerel Perch Salmon I catch em and Clean em but Gosh Darn I just dint Eat EM . Imagine that a Fishermen that don't eat fish I'm a first huh..

I'm a Original Cookie can't say different just ask my friends .. You know the saying beat to a different drum well heck I beat to the whole band !

arnolds drive in photo img230.jpg

I like people all kinds short tall fat thin white black native American Eskimo I don't care what your Origin is its You I like ! I'm a people person kinda a welcome wagon for people and strangers then they are now my friends Stop and smell the roses you might like them.

Impatient people that gets my goat dang life moves to fast slow down a bit.Folks who say cruel things to someone who can't speak up or is afraid to speak up.When you know that person needs help and you just sit and watch Oh Yes I don't like EX-Husbands the most for rotten things they do to us gals .

Anyone who abuses and neglects a pet or wildlife.Anyone who disrespects the elderly or takes advantage of a bad situation they might be in if you can help pitch in someday you might be in those shoes yourself.

People who see a bad situation and ignore it knowing it might end up with terrible results.

Those who see first hand child abuse and just turn their head and figure its someone else's problem let them blow the whistle Ignorance isn't bliss in this case.

Well I just got my big D yep married way to many yrs and finally it's done.. I got some good memories but alot of things wasn't happy memories.. I kept silent with what was happening in my life and the secrets I knew.. I am glad it is over and now I can move on and live the way people are supposed to live..

Painting for fun and building web pages fishing Traveling up to the Adriondacks makes me so refreshed every time. It must be the Mountain air .

Spending time up in the Adirondack Mountains climbing some of them and just spending time outside enjoying nature.

arnolds drive in photo img230.jpg

I love to fish during the spring
and summer months . Here we have some great trout and alot of pike to enjoy tackling.

I find fishing a relaxing thing spending time along a creek or on a small lake or pond is a perfect day for me. I enjoy Classic Car shows

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Displaying 4 out of 87 comments
05/05/2023 03:48:49

Happy Birthday! Hope U are doing fine.
Hugs and prayers for that!


05/02/2022 09:02:41



05/09/2021 18:34:06

Thank you everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes I appreciate it I should be able to get back on the page again soon it's been a crazy year I've had three eye surgery so ruptured appendix and I still have another eye surgery to go. I'm on the phone right now sending my greetings out and Happy Mother's Day wishes to all the moms and grandmoms out there I'll try to get on the computer and the next day or two update the page and take off all the photographs that are no longer working put some new things up all right take care of everyone and thank you much

05/04/2021 06:13:06

An early wish again: Happy Birthday! May God bestow His richest joys on you! Be healthy and LOVED!
Hugs  and prayers from my distant land!

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