Pull up a chair & visit for awhile
Female 73 years old New Zealand
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01/21/2010 21:15:12 |
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Jul 05 2009, 9:24 am by Bejay
Shirley Valentine, my all time favorite!
Light classics, rock, panflute,big band, British rock of the 60s & 70s
Blue,blue-greens,the blue,purple, greens of water & distant hills, blue reds
Quality high nutrient level and grown/produced as close to home as possible. Beef stew with lots of veg is good in this cold winter weather. In summer I go for all manner of salads. Oh & chocolate is a weakness, the nice bitter sweet ones.
I listed myself as a homemaker. I'm also a part time student & part time researcher. Married to Neil for 38 years this September (09). We have 2 adult children so I guess add wife & mother, also sister, aunt & great aunt but not yet a grandmother unless you count grandcats. I don't drive a motor vehicle but apparently I drive Neil up the wall at times. Oh & spelling is not one of my strong points.I've rediscovered people watching, sitting at an outdoor cafe can be very entertaining. I've been told I'm a typical Gemini as far as personality is concerned, can be a total air head, off beat, unconventional, evn just plain daft or very conventional & proper. I'm also a very tactil person, the texture of fabrics is just as important to me as the visual design I love playing with cats toes & babies & todllers fingers.
While I don't call myself a greenie I am concerned about the state of our soils, water and food sources & the wastage that goes on.
I like peace & tranquility, a good laugh, good food eaten in good company.
I enjoy being around animals & would love to have a dog.
I have always liked elephants indian ones in particular.
I'm a keen motorsport fan, in particlar car rallying.
Love reading & enjoy doing hand crafts.
Good interlectural conversation is important to me.
Time to dream or just sit & watch the world go by
People who judge you without knowing you.
Misinformation that is feed to the masses in the hope we are gullible enough to believe in it.
Greedy multi national conglumerates telling the world what & how we can do things by limiting what is available.
The taste or smell of alcohol, that's why I don't drink.
Marshmellows or any thing with marshmellow in it.
Trying/learing to write stories
Learning to draw & paint. Reading art books
gardening; learning to be an organic gardener.
Reading gardening books
Cooking,whole foods is a new interest
Reading recipe books
Collecting all things elephant.
Reading historical books
Embroidery; crosstitch, hardanger & pulled thread
Sewing; dressmaking & making soft toys
Knitting & crotchet