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90 years old
Hayward, California
United States

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JOB: Retired
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MEMBER SINCE: 09/03/2009
LAST LOGIN: 04/16/2017 18:42:14

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Don't enjoy gory murder or horor movies.
Don't really have any favorites. Love the older
movies, Gone With The Wind, A Street Car
Named Desire, Cat on a Hot, Tin Roof, etc.
Like current movies as well.
Also, enjoy comedy, history, documentaries.

I love music in general. I grew up in the 50's
during which time we listned mostly to Rythm
and Blues. I like all kinds of music, R & B,
(my favorite song of all time is Unchained
Melody by Al Hibbler) Pop, Country Western,
Gossiple, Progressive Jazz, Rock and Roll, etc.
Don't enjoy Rap music or the Heavy Metal.

I like fiction & non fiction. I enjoy reading about
other countries. However, I don't read too much
Mostly current events in the paper and internet.

I like most colors in any spectrum that are
bright and vivid.

I grew up during the depression and was happy
to eat whatever was placed before me.
My mother was from the old country, Bohemia
at the time, and was an excellent prepairer
of food. As I grew older in life I have tried to
eat more healthy foods, mainly chicken and fish
and lots of grain cerial in the mornings. I have
become accustomed to eating only breakfast
and dinner during my later years, however, we
do eat red meet occaionaly. Love lamb and
beef and most Oriental food.

Haven't formed any opinions at this time. I like to discuss
almost anything except polotics and religion. I'm not prejudice.
I enjoy people from all walks of life, as long as they are friendly
and outgoing. I love almost every sport imaginable both mens
and womens

I was born Oct 12, 1934. Have 3 boys with first wife
(Married 18 years - then separated for several years and
divorced). Remarried to my current wife for 25 years.
She was divorced and has 5 children. My sons are not
married, but have girlfiends. My wife has one son married,
and one daughter married. We have five grand children
and two great grandchildren.
I was in the Army for three years, stationed in Germany,
1954 through 1957. While in Europe I visited 10 counties
on leave. I traveled, mostly on a moped and met many
wonderful and interesting people. I came to the conclusion
that no matter where I went, most people in foreign counties
have the same values, religious belief, love for freedom, life
and family, as we have in the United States. I'm a firm
believer that most people are the same where every you go
as long as you treat them with dignity and respect.

I like all spectator sports, golf, football, basketball, soccer,
boxing, etc.
My youngest son and I have season tickets to the Oakland
Raiders, which is currently hard to admit! Although I love
going to the games, as it's time spent with my son and many
fun Raider fans at tailgate parties. I've been to the Olympics,
World Series, World Cup (Soccer), both men & woemen,
and football playoffs (never been to Super Bowel) Two of
my sons and I go to High School Basketball Tournaments
for Northern California and State Championships every year.
We've been going to them for over 30 years. I, also, enjoy
playing golf (3 times a week) with some golf buddies.
I have many other interests that I value and participate with
my wife and friends

I dislike arrogant, obnoxious, ill tempered, know it all people.
I enjoy people that are happy go lucky and have
a penchant for life.

I've collected German Beer Steins, 1984 Olympic memorbilia,
and 1994 World Cup memorbilia. Mostly because I became
interested in the Steins while in Germany, and. the Olympics and
World Cup Soccer, because those were the years we attended.

Please note:
This Layout is from my Friend ANGELIKA and I to request
you please don't copy anything from this Layout
(Background, Header etc.) and the graphics from the
Page too; because it would cause the bandwidth on
Angelika's PhotoBucket-Account. Thank you!

BobO101234 has 21 friend(s)

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10/12/2021 07:10:28

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