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mem_normal OFFLINE
79 years old
Yorkshire Dales
United Kingdom

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Profile Views: 1937
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JOB: Homemaker
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 06/16/2008
LAST LOGIN: 06/23/2009 16:07:48

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Too many to mention though later ones like Chicago, Minority Report, Mission Impossible, Jason Bourne trilogy (favourite). Sound of Music. Nothing too bloody nowadays, as it gives me the creeps now that I am on my own. A real mixture of subjects, but particularly like thrillers and exciting fast moving films, though
enjoyed Atonement. Really like all sorts of Sci-Fi. Historical dramas too. I could go on and on!

I love classical music, light classical too - Andra Bochelli, etc. but also like jazz - George Melly type as well as others. Like all the rock and roll ones of my youth. Catherine Jenkins. Rod Stewart doing Sinatra type songs, Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Peggy Lee. Katie Melua, Michael Buble to name but a few. Dont like Head Banging type of music (yes I know I am boring).

Lots of the classics, but have attended
for ten years a book club with an inspired teacher who has taught us literature from many different countries. We take one book a term, close read and study it and learn about the political, socio-economic environments around the time the books were read, so very interesting and lots of things to learn. Dickens is a favourite. Master and Marguarita (Russia), Tolstoy, My Antonia, RK Narayan, Kazuo Ishiguro (Remains of the Day), Middlemarch, Bronte sisters etc etc

Blue and Purple

Thought about this but cannot really say. There are lots of different meals that I like, I suppose fish would be high on the list and prawns. Like lots of good strong English tea with the occasional coffee. Food is best shared with others. On my own, it may turn out to be crispbreads or fish fingers!!!:-)

A widow of two years. Six sons, many fosterchildren, I live up the side of a valley in the Yorkshire Dales surrounded by moorland, sheep and cows and lots of birds. Live on my own with my golden retriever dog. Am blessed with many friends, though nothing quite replaces having a special relationship. Am 5'10" tall with lots of pre-raphaelite long red gold hair and a dimple in my chin(sons say a crater would be more exact) Am large in size and personality!!!

I like varieties of food, historical buildings, countryside, animals, birds, masses of reading, intellectual stimulation, learning facts I don't know. Sharing time with people in a relaxed way where we all can laugh at life and support each other through its ups and downs. Caring about people and being kind. Most of all just sharing laughter and happiness, as we all need lots of them both to enjoy life. My family.

I hate people who disregard other people and who treat them with disdain or rudeness. Injustice of any kind. Eating offal. Paying high rates by telephone to my bank or utility companies. They get enough out of me already! No sense of humour. Cruelty to animals and of course to people. People who eat more than me yet never get fat! Dainty little women who were born that way and I was not!!!(tongue in cheek as most of my friends are smaller than my 5'l0"!)

Reading lots of different types of books, depending on my mood. Visiting gardens and historical homes and castles. Growing plants and flowers in pots.(small garden, but lots of plants). Eating out and enjoying the company of others. Films. Adore them and often go to the pictures or watch DVD's. Learning new subjects. Poetry, though it often makes me cry! Learning to become a new me after the death of my husband nearly two years ago.

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05/07/2021 07:59:19

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