Branwyn (Cheryl) - Warrior Welsh Woman
Female 69 years old Milwaukee, Wisconsin United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1134
[ 41 ]
11/19/2008 09:41:14 |
Celtic, World Music, Japanese, Chinese, Peruvian
Photo: Irish Pub Music when my husband, Bruce and I were at a local pub in Connemara Ireland

Mists of Avalon Series - Fantastic!
Also love horror such as Clive Barker
Michael Crichton is one of my favorite authors
And of Course Lord of the Rings
Trivia - if you've read or seen Lord of the Rings - did you know that JRR Tolkien modeled the character of Farimir after himself?

Sushi and Sashimi - along with lots of seafood including lobster, octopus, squid, you name it

Sorry if I haven't been on here awhile. I try to keep up the best I can. I was just diagnosed with carpal tunnel and have to stay away from too much repetitive typing - my job keeps me at the computer at about 5 hours a day and so with doctor's orders, I have to lay off at home. I will be returning to see my doctor at the end of the month and there we will decide about surgery, etc. Hope to be back more often!
I work part-time and spend my free time doing some of my hobbies and trying to enjoy walking and nature. I said I was self-employed above because my job is working for a 90 year old retired man who is a writer and a teacher. I type his papers for class and have also typed his entire published book! He also submits papers magazines, newspapers. His subject matter is about the Jews of the world and is very interesting. His office is at the Milwaukee Jewish Federation where I work too.
Also wanted to add that I have Celiac's disease - which is an intolerance to gluten - thus I cannot eat anything with flour such as bread, pasta, or any products with wheat flour in it. If there is anyone on the site who has the same issue and wants to share recipes or websites with gluten free products that would be great! I shop at 3 places in my town that have great gluten-free products including a gluten free bakery!
I like good honest people and enjoy friends and getting to know about other people.
I love going to Milwaukee's ethnic festivals and particularly enjoy Irish Fest, Scottish Fest - Polish Fest, German Fest, Italian Fest - and our State Fair
Also - Favorite TV Shows current and old:
All Star Treks especially Enterprise
Babylon 5
Dr. Who
Ghost Hunters
Destination Truth
Painkiller Jane
The Shield
Rescue Me
(I know I'll think of more to add!)
Best Captain - Archer!

Working! LOL!

Books and reading
Artistic endeavors - painting, beading
Animals and birds (dog shows)
Movies MOVIES movies
