Female 94 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2123
[ 66 ]
07/14/2015 01:17:25 |
Good sci-fi movies
Mysteries, especially Dean Koontz
Non-fiction, any subjects that interest me

Thanks to all who wished me Happy Birthday!
Blinding lightning
Pounding thunder
Whipping wind
Stinging rain
Storm passing
Pink in the west
Mist appears
Silence reigns
Peaceful dusk
Summer’s musk
Leftover raindrops
Fall gently again
And fireflies fly in the rain.
A blink here
A wink there
Natural strobes
In fragrant air
Dusk deepens
Hundreds fly
Soft fluorescence
I know not why
In their magic
Though you’re not here
In their flight
I shed a tear
They flit into the night
Like you
Never to be seen again
Yet real to me
When fireflies fly in the rain.
By Pete Bolte
Intelligent, kind people who like conversation, and especially have a good sense of humor.
Babies, young children, animals: all the innocents

Cruel, rude or greedy people
Computer games
Internet surfing
Indoor plants
