Hippy Chick in Disguise...
Female 68 years old Canada
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Profile Views: 1567
[ 55 ]
11/15/2009 12:43:53 |
Mostly comedy but a good tear jerker is a must on certain nights! Anything Mel Brooks, Billy Crystal, I've seen Dumb and Dumber more times than I care to remember! Legends of the Fall, A River Runs Through It, Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias, The Notebook, Bridges of Madison County and who doesn't love Dirty Dancing? (For the music, of course!) I love the good old black and whites from the 30's/40's, a great way to spend a cold, snowy winter Sunday, curled up on the couch, during a Cariboo winter! (When football isn't on, that is!)
Classic rock, Southern rock, Oldies, Doo Wop, country, you name it! Everything from classical to Techno and some Trance! My favourites are the first four and don't, ever, ever force me to listen to rap! This Northern Canadian gal will go all T'silqot'in on you!
I read anything I can get my hands on! From Stephen King to Nicholas Sparks, The Hiram Key to Patricia Cornwell, right down to cereal boxes! (Keeps the French translation neurons in my brain working!) I seem to read most of the books before they're translated into movie scripts and appear on the big screen!
Pink, in honour of my sister who is a 6 year Breast Cancer Survivor and my friends who are currently battling this disease! Pink for a redhead can be dastardly, but I've reached a point in my life where I just don't care if I clash! lol
My fave is East Indian food and I cook it often, to the point my family used to beg for good old fashioned meatloaf!
I actually like pretty much everything, though couldn't bear to try kangaroo when I was in Australia this past fall! Crocodile is pretty delicious, though!
I became a Granny just over a year ago and discovered how true it is what they say about grandchildren! "If I'd known how much fun they were, I'd have had them first!"
I have two sons, 29 and 24, both married and on their own! And have been blessed with two incredible daughters-in-law that would have been my first choices for daughters, had I'd been allowed to choose them for my very own!
I love Dragon boating - was in Australia in Sept/Oct for an International Regatta for Breast Cancer Survivors! 17th in the world, dontcha know! Woooohooo!
I'm a redhead (with help, these days), short, and refuse, absolutely, to act my age!
I love Harley Davidson motorcycles with a passion and hearing one growling it's way down the highway can reduce me to a quivering mass of jelly! For my 50th birthday, one arrived at my house and proceeded to blow my mind out on the highway! Now there's a Harley on my 'everything' wish list! (Santa's gonna need a beeger sleigh! (lol)
HOCKEY!!!! (Go Canucks & Thrashers!), Dragon Boating, [Oh, did I mention hockey? :) ] a recent convert to football (Falcons & UGA Bulldogs) and baseball (Braves), camping, hiking, camping, fishing - I'm just an outdoorsy kinda gal! (Oh, did I mention Harleys? *sigh*)
And though she appears below the others in this box, the most important love in my life right now is my new baby grandaughter, Ella! A year old already and winning the hearts of everyone she comes in contact with! I think my member title should be 'Proudest Granny Ever!' lol
Fluffy scrambled eggs (Thanks, Mom!)
Broken shoelaces
The 5 am alarm clock going off!
The gym
Just learning PSP (and how to handle frustration!)
The computer, wa-aay too much time spent here! lol
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