Barely scratching the surface
Female 72 years old Quartzsite, Arizona United States
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Profile Views: 1050
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05/06/2008 17:15:07 |
A Man Called Horse, The Note Book, The Green Mile,
Clockwork Orange, Little Big Man, Natural Born Killers, African Queen,..anything that makes me think, laugh, cry or scares me.
Alternative music, World music, light jazz,just about all music, just don't give me a steady diet of country or opera
ALL poetry books
Narsissist and Goldman, by Herman Hesse
The Blackwood Bible
Anything by Terry Pratchett
The Dune Trilogy
As I Lay Dying, By Faulkner
I'm partial to any shade or mix of purples, greens, blues...but...truly can't think of one that isn't beautiful if used at the right time on the right thing.
easier to list what I don't like...anything spicey that burns starting on the tongue and all the way through....well you get the idea.
My husband and I have been married for 6 years, together for 13, this is seconds for both of us. We have four kids and 6 grandchildren between us. I retired in '04, we sold our home and five acres, gave away to the kids or sold most of our belongings and became full time RVer's. I recently fulfilled a lifelong dream, completed and self published a book of my poetry and art. NOW the hard part..selling myelf.
LIFE!!! every moment of every day and everything that's in it.
Writing Poetry, drawing, painting,rock hounding, ATV's, walking, hiking, reading, LIFE!!!
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