Female 71 years old Comanche, Texas United States
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Christian - other |
01/28/2012 11:28:31 |
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I love scary movies. Not the devil kind, but ghost, ghouls, vampires, zombies. I also like goofy ones that make you laugh. My Hubby loves westerns, and action. So I watch a lot of those too. I'm not much on sad movies. I cry too much thru them. Then stay depressed for days after.
I like lots of colors, but as I get older the brighter the better as for as my clothes go
Mexican food. Or just about anything that's spicy. I love the spice. I also love anything crunchy.
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I'm going to be a grandmother again in Feb. I'm so excited. I'm going to be there for the birth.
Betty "aka" canyonriver Pam "aka" grahmapammy51 Are my contact friends.
A special note to all my friends, and visitors. I am usually gone for a week at a time trucking. I have a IPhone that I am able to access my page with. But unable to post replies. ( bummer ). Please know that each and everyone of you are in my thoughts and prayers while I'm gone. I love my big family here on The Hill. I carry a laptop on the truck. But here lately no time to set it up. I think I'm getting too old for all this excitement. But I know I'm graced to be able to see the states. Soooo, I'll keep on trucking. Please say a prayer for me to keep a steady and safe hand on the wheel. So that I'm in control of the safety of everyone around me
My Hubby of 31 years and I have been trucking as a team for 26 years. We own our truck, and lease it to a trucking co. Our run is dedicated from Dallas, Tx. to Orlando, Fl. We have done this run for 6 years, and have 2 Yorkies, Sissy & Lil'Killer that truck with us. They are great little co-pilots. God willing, we will try to stick this out for 7 more years, then retire.
I really like life in general, but I'll try to make a list. My Hubby, son & his wife. My grandkids, My parents, sister & brothers, their spouses. My babies (Yorkies),. And all my friends On The Hill. Good food. Gosh, when your blessed with so much it is really hard to list all the good things.
Bad drivers. High fuel prices, gaining weight, Fly by night friends, that have time to talk, if it's about their problems. Never asking about how you are.
I really don't have time for hobbies. But I love to sew. I also collect Chatty Cathy, Tiffany Taylor, Trolls, John Wayne, And Groovy Girl Dolls. I have a about 200 dolls. But a lot are in storage. My Hubby said there was no room for us, with all the dolls displayed. LOL. I'm going to get some of them posted in my Gallery soon.