Just a would be farmer!
Male 75 years old hays, Kansas United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1020
[ 31 ]
12/13/2012 05:40:14 |
My most recent favorite movie is "Amodaes" (spelling). I love Mozart, and I thought this was perhaps the best movie ever made. It was filmed in Prague, in buildings which were around when Mozart was alive. Wow.
I love to read books. Holywood can destroy a good book with a movie, but I do like some movies, especially the older ones.
I love Star Trek, The Next Generation, and the very original Star Trek. I am not a fan of Star Wars.
Have you ever read a book and knew exactly what the characters looked like from a book, only to be seriously dissapointed with Holywood's version.
I studied the violin for 12 years, from the time I was 6 years old. I took lessons and was Clara Malloy's last pupil. Her husband founded the music department at Fort Hays State. She was a remarkable teacher.
When I was in High school I was the #2 violinist in Kansas.
I have directed choirs and directed two Christmas Cantatas. I love to sing and currently sing with the Hays, Kansas barbershop chorus. I was with a trio in Ness City, Kansas called We Be Three. I played the string bass and Wade and Jerry both played guitars.
I like factual books, but like all types of subjects. Except with limited time, I generally avoid fiction. I like books that are intellectual. One of the greatest that I have read was written by Albert Einstein. I never appreciated how smart he was until I read his "simple" book on relativity. I understood special relativity, but when he really got into the subject, I was lost!
Blue. I have always liked blue.
I like all food too much!
What is Twitter???? I don't.
In about a month, I will be 61. I have done a lot of things in my life, have six children, a daughter, Carrie, who has twin girls, is expecting a baby boy in May, a son Joshua, who is serving in the military, has three daughters, a son Cenek, which is Bohemian for "Vincent", a son George, a son David, who is a new father of a beautiful daughter, and Joseph.
I used to fly airplanes. I always told people I thought getting my pilot's license was the best thing I ever did. But I haven't flown in years.
I have a degree in Chemistry and minor in physics.
I took some graduate work at Portland State Univ. in Portland, Oregon. Out of 72 students in that class, I was #2.
I have started two businesses, and the last one lasted the longest, from 1993 until 2006, when I was bit by a brown recluse spider. That bite took my business.
I love music. I love animals. I love life. I love meeting new people. Everyone has a story, and I love to hear their stories.
I don't talk much about the negatives in life.
I collect violins. Currently, I own 12. I love to sing. I am not very good, but it brings much joy to me.