Not interesting stuff
Female 63 years old Pennsylvania United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1647
[ 17 ]
04/25/2009 23:20:56 |
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Voracious book reader,
anything that has to do with Military or WWII subjects
the Holocaust
the Depression
Len and I finished the work on the house. At a complete cost to us, without knowing if the Mortgage is going to being approved by the VA, both of us have put up our VET status to buy this home.
The previous owners children were being over protective of their parents and wanted us to sign a waiver saying we weren't going into the home in order to sue them. We could have walked away from the deal, the house has been on the market since FEB and there were no offers on it at all.
All appraisers (we had 3) agreed with us. I get it, I buried both my parents and their house. But this was ridiculous.
But really what I wanted to say thru all of this is that Don't delete me because I'm not here every day and that I can't figure out how to leave those glittering graphics on your page also.
I promise I will be back in a couple weeks to leave cute messages or to let you know I'm thinking of you. I'm sorry I'm not computer savvy.
I used to build computers and clean up computers that got corrupted a long time ago and it really upset me the amount of complete debauchery that was on everyones computer.
I really don't know how to leave those cute messages/graphics on peoples pages and I feel a bit intimated by it.
Sorry, but I am who I am!!!
Military Brat, Raised all over the U.S.
I am adopted.
I am an Army Vet
I am happily married
I am a Mother
I am a proud Grandmother
Funny people
People that don't take every thing in their lives seriously.
Narrow mindnessness
Walking through the woods
Playing with my grandchildren
WWII subjects and books
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