I find it somewhat intimidating to attempt express my very humble and overwhelming gratitude I have for all the many friends and utter strangers who have been praying for my recovery on this site. It is my feeling that your efforts were not in vain but have been at least twofold rewarded.
This winter has been as a long dark and unending tunnel from which I am fortunate to have emerged on this snowy day before spring on the other side. It has been a difficult one because, of dire and urgent health concerns which I believe my sister Connie has made you aware of.
The first was a “silent” heart attack the last of November with one artery being 100% blocked and another over 70% blocked. The miracle is that there was little heart damage.
The second crisis was when I developed blue toes syndrome which showered plaque into the small inter capillaries between the arteries and veins of my toes blocking them utterly. Had it continued or re-circulated into my heart this would be an entirely different story. It did do some significant damage to the kidneys and for nearly a month I was in renal failure while in the hospital. What I didn’t realize until a couple of days ago was that a Dr Ogunbiyi told Connie that I was lucky to be alive as people who develop this syndrome rarely survive 24 hours – yet it was 3 days or more before we got appropriate help. And that further out of the millions of stint operations performed every year fewer than 1000 result in blue toes syndrome.
It is my utter and unalterable conclusion that a mantel of protective prayer surrounded me and further these two miracles were from your powerful prayerful intercessory deliverance. And I am eternally grateful
I have just emerged from a dark and terrible place both physically and spiritually. And it has just been since I have come home in the last several days that I have become aware of an awakening of the Holy Spirit within me. I love to sing hymns but now I sing them with a new understanding of what the words are saying and they touch me so deeply that many I cannot sing without breaking down in tears as many address the dark places that I have so recently visited. Intellectually it is difficult to understand how God could love me so intensely and caringly but emotionally I now understand it and joyfully accept it and hope others can have the blinders fall from their eyes as well and freely accept this gift of God through Jesus.
I further would like to acknowledge the loving care which virtually teams of doctors and medical professionals of the Hays Medical Center rendered to me and enabled what hopefully will be a full recovery. They were smart, knowledgeable, patient, and loving in their treatment of me. And I will never forget each person I met and I hold all in my prayers. I would especially like to acknowledge Dr.Ananth Vadde, Dr. Johanna McCullagh, Dr Seema Patel, Dr Barbar Ali, Dr. Gary Benton and Dr. Kirk Potter who are my personal heroes who in all of these ordeals served my needs patiently and kindly, who cheered me with all their visits and I have since learned ran the gauntlet for me. I pray for them as my brothers and sisters.
And lastly, but far from least, my faithful sister Connie who ministered to me throughout and continues to do so. Without her I suspect my hospital stay could have been much more dire and bleak. With perhaps not as good a result as she served as my advocate to the doctors of which the above were so responsive. I thank God she was here for me and pray for her continued strength and healing.
I also would like to thank her for the background design of this site page of mine as she took a rare Giant Christmas Putz church that I restored and own with a pasted background.
I have miles to go before I sleep.