a little a about me
Male 71 years old Rochester, New York United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1049
  [ 243 ]
12/14/2010 16:06:27 |
The Cowboys, What Dreams May Come, Texas Chainsaw Mas.
blues ...new stuff as long as it hasnt been over played
Alcoholics Anonymous , Robert Heinlein, John Grisham
and many others
im a recovering alkie ...been married for 33 yrs in aug ..my wife suffers from Lupus , osteoartritis,fibromilagia and COPD
I like to read ... a little tv ...online poker ..
my job ..im in manufacturing ...machining to be exact at http://www.mwiedm.com/...taking photos ...parks and rainy days...meeting people and making new friends.
I'm also a disabled viet nam era vet
sending kids off to die in foreign countries...narrow minded people
poker @http://www.pitbullpoker.com/poker/affiliate/entry.do?referral=38385 ...cooking
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