Comanchesnooty's Honest Admissions (there is more to be written).
Female 86 years old Comanche, Texas United States
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Christian - other |
07/24/2009 20:12:18 |
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Not much of a movie fan. My all time favorite was Exodus. I have watched it many times over. Secret Garden, Daddy Long Legs, which was also a great book.
Anything by Andre Rieu, Daniel O'Donnell, Elvis, Garth Brooks, I will add others later. Love Gospel, never miss The Gaither Hour which is on 5 or 6 times a week. Matthew Hagee is a pretty good "TV" preacher but a great gospel musican. I also very much like a TV Minister by the name of Carroll Roberson, another good gospelv voice and he has a great testimony. Oh yes, I can't forget Squire Parsons and Janet Paschel. Janet Paschel's "Written In Red" is among the best of gospel songs. Squire Parsons is "Beulah Land" which is only mentioned in the Bible one time.
Anything I am reading at the moment. Presently 2012.
Red, is there any other color? I feel guilty when I say red. My oldest son when he wasn't much over three or four told me that his favorite color was green. When I ask him why he said it was God''s favorite color. Why I ask him was it God's favorite? Because he said, God painted almost everything green. From the mouths of babes. That babe is now approaching 50.
Mexican and Mid-Eastern. A good hamburger will never be beat! Southern Chicken Fried Steak, the best is in Texas. I could go on and on. I bet you can guess that my husband has a lot to handle, love handles. Went to eat barbeque in Cresson last night. If you live in Texas stop in to the new barbeque restaurant on HWY 377. Let me know how you like it?
Haven't visited Twitter yet, so I really don't know what it is all about.
"Intelligent people are always eager and ready to learn." from the Old Testament Book of Proverbs. Proverbs has so much to teach us and yet so few of us turn there when we are in need of guidance. Some of the verses therein do step on my toes. Common event for those of us who are liberal. None-the-less much of my philosophy is found within the book. And if I can persuade my family and friends to embody this statement their lives will certainly be as rich as mine has been!
Mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Born and raised in Texas I am still here. I have four children, two step - children, eighteen grandchildren and six great - grandchildren. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Religion and an equivalent number of hours in sociology. Before I retired I worked at many jobs including being a financial aid officer with a medical college. Taught art privately. The jobs I loved most were temporary positions as I get bored once I "FEEL" have mastered the position. That is arrogance or maybe it is AADD or ADD. Didn't have that when I was a child 70 years ago EVEN 30 YEARS AGO. Genealogy is my avocation. I am a liberal conservative and I have been a community organizer. There are a few people who have no idea what a community organization is all about. First of all I don't know any who are communist but mostly good people who feel for the poor because "they" have walked a mile in the Indian's shoes." My father said that community organizer is kind words for a "hell raiser." I am married. My first husband left me a widow with four children. He died of cancer. I remarried two years later (I didn't believe in living together.It is amazing what you learn once you repeat your marriage vows) and divorced within four months (it was an international marriage and culture does make a difference). I married again six months later it has lasted 29 years this August. My first marriage was almost 17
years. I can't quit this very public picture of myself without admitting that I am a die hard Confederate and bleed Confederate Red. That doesn't mean I am prejudiced or bear any animosity toward any race, creed or religion but my great-great-grandfather gave his life for Texas and Alabama. It is history not hate that keeps me confessing my belief in the south. The War Between the States was a very long time ago and I have friends of all races, creeds and religions but one must remember if my great- great grandfather had felt as I do and turned against the hands that had brought him from Alabama to Texas he would have been hung as a traitor to the state of Texas and the Confederacy. He died defending both. Though I never knew him I am proud of his dedication to his state and the Confederacy. Who said if we don't remember the past we are doomed to repeat it. Oh yes, Most of the mistakes, you will find on this page are typing errors (I think). I just won't admit to being a poor speller. Ha! Ha!
I can't think of many things I don't like. I just love life which God gave me. Food, drink (Life Water,Hot and Cold Tea.) Music, World News, MySpace, Facebook and NOTH to name a few. I will add more later.
What I don't like is people who are so conservative that they can't see beyond the end of their nose. To me to limit our universe is too limit us to the great gift of life that God gifted us with. That was me at one time, limited. I went to college late in life. Met a very conservative sociology professor and a very liberal sociology professor and a religion professor who knew how to keep me in line. They were mentors. I learned very quickly that we can know some things, but we don't know everything and we can know more but we will never know everything, there will always be more to learn. There is no end to knowledge no matter what field we concentrate in! Religion, medicine, psychology. science are disciplines that are very old but at the same time very new. What exciting times we live in!
I have already mentioned genealogy but there is gardening, pets (chickens, geese, guineas, dogs, cats), especially any critter who is looking for a home, animal critters that is! Books, photography, history, science, not too much into grandmothering though I love all my children, grandchildren and great grand - children. I encourage them all to be involed in the world's activities that doesn't leave much time for me to dote on them or for them to dote on me! I will be alright.
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