Me, Myself and I
Female 81 years old Belleville, Illinois United States
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Profile Views: 979
[ 15 ]
06/23/2009 20:55:26 |
A Christmas Carol....Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil...The Sentinal...Kelly's Heroes...On Moonlight Bay...By The Light Of THe Silvery Moon, Showboat...It's As Good As It Gets...We Are Marshall...the list goes on
BeeGee's, Manneheim Steamroller, Abba, Elvis, Frankie Laine, The Drifters, Vickie Carr, ...the list goes on........!
A Christmas Carol....light mysteries by such as Diane Mott Davidson, Tamar Meyers, Selma Eichler, Joanne Fluke...the list goes on.......!
Lobster Tails....spaghetti ...shrimp ...light tasting fish..(.not salmon or that type.)..haddock, cod, tilapia..etc. ...Not too much food I don't like.
I am 65...will be married 45 years this November. Have a married daughter who will be turning 43 this grandchildren , sorry to say.
Have two cats...Buttercup Jean J(orange tabby)and Betsy Sue ( black with green eyes) was born and raised and lived most of my life in the Youngstown area of Ohio....then moved 14 years ago to Belleville, Illinois...15 miles from St. Louis MO. Daughter and SIL live 5 houses away.
Husband worked for GM in retired. I only worked about 3 years...when I got pregnant, husband said he would be the bread winner and that was fine with me. Sold Avon briefly. guess that is about it..pretty dull life.
I have had some major illnesses, but am still kicking.
Critters...cats, dogs, sheep, cows, name it, I like it. My computer..A Christmas Carol...Fall and Winter...Christmas, eating or it all)a good light mystery book to read...movies...and of course, my family.
SNAKES..and creepy crawly bugs...nose rings and the's sticky summer. I'm sure there is more, but I can't think right now.
| computer..making signature tags , going to my favorite site where I have made some friends...playing computer games...going to the movies and doing lunch/shopping. I can knit and crochet..needlpoint...tole paint...have made pop bottle dolls...used to collect all types of crossword jigsaw puzzles....
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