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About Ditzann

mem_normal OFFLINE
116 years old
Somewhere, Virginia
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1603
[ 10 ]

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Profile Views: 1604

JOB: Teacher
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 07/31/2009
LAST LOGIN: 09/16/2009 15:00:19

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Aug 02 2009, 10:32 am by Ditzann
0 154
Aug 01 2009, 7:38 am by Ditzann
1 785
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Haven't been to one since Pretty Woman.
Watched Chicago dvd last night.


Haven't written any yet.

N/A I think this is a stupid thing to put on your profile. Here's a nice poem instead:

Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my shape to keep.

Please no wrinkles, Please no bags

Please lift my butt before it sags.

Please no age spots, Please no gray

As for my belly, Please take it away.

Keep me healthy, Keep me young,

And thank you Lord, For all you've done.

N/A Ditto.

Where are all the rock hounds? There must be some on the hill! Don't you want to join the "I Can DIG IT!" group and share photos and information about what you've found? It's no fun getting to be a moderator if I am the only member!

In my wallet.

Thanks to all for the warm welcomes - sorry I don't have time to answer all the comments individually, plus I haven't figured out how to reply to comments.

I really need to go wash the dishes and clean the house. And sort rocks. And get off this computer!

I am a jack of all trades, master of none. I recently realized that, at 101, I don't have much time left, so I'm trying to do all the things in my Bucket List while I still can.

I am happily married to my husband of forty years. We have three wonderful children: a son, 32, married, has a 6 mo old baby boy; a daughter, 29, married, has a 3 yr old girl, 15 mo old boy; and a daughter, 23, still at home and in school. We also have two 50 lb dogs, two cats, two fish, and several tomato plants. Wish I could have a horse.

1. I love horses and riding (western), but have no where to keep one now. I miss them terribly.
2. Driving by myself to different states to dig in the dirt. BTW, if you live in a different state (or not) and have a horse you'd let me ride, please contact me ASAP - not kidding here!
3. Singing tenor in a quartet, if I could just find three more ladies willing to sing with me! (maybe it's my #7.....)
4. Singing tenor in my ladies barbershop chorus.
5. Yard work, when it's cool.
6. Wood working.
7. My chainsaw.

Also, see hobbies below. Obviously I like them, or they would not be my hobbies. (Don't mean to be rude but, .... duh!)

1. Washing the dishes
2. Cleaning the house
3. Cooking

I need a wife.........so does my poor husband!

1. Singing barbershop - ladies a capella four part harmony. I sing tenor, the high part, up high.
2. Digging for rocks, fossils, minerals, diamonds, buried pirate treasure, in the ground, down low.
3. Substitute teaching, now that I've retired from full time.
4. Collecting very valuable items at yard sales.
5. Teaching swimming lessons to 3-5 year olds.
6. Metal detecting - just learning
7. Photography - still learning

Want to Sky Dive!

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04/22/2021 06:07:17

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