Every Day is a Gift!
Female 73 years old San Diego, California United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 729
[ 16 ]
02/03/2009 23:29:14 |
You've Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, Titanic, Fried Green Tomatoes, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
The Beatles, Tina Turner, Sting, Some Michael Jackson
It has to be Mexican. I hope there is salsa in heaven. Living in San Diego now, we have so much wonderful food here.
I am a happily retired former aerospace employee that is happy those days are behind me. I retired at the age of 55 due to progressive problems with post polio syndrome which I am disabled from. My motto is live life to its fullist and there is always someone worse off than you are. I am most happy being with my partner of 22 years and our cats.
Meeting new people, working on my Scrapbooking hobby
Rude people, people that talk on cell phones and attempt to drive. Traffic...
Scrapbooking, following baseball and football, collecting and trading baseball cards
DolfunLover has 3 friend(s)