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Interesting and Boring Stuff About Me

mem_normal OFFLINE
69 years old
Near Paris Landing State Park
United States

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MEMBER SINCE: 04/03/2008
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 09/18/2008 12:43:50

Hmmm....I'll really have to think this one over. I have enjoyed a great many...like the Last of the Mohicans.
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I'm pretty eclectic in the music department. I grew up on the oldies....then moved on to the old style country...now like the newer style. I like symphonic music...but don't know enough to say what music I enjoy. If I heard it...then I could say...yeah...that's one!
There's some new kinds of music I like but haven't a clue as to what it might be called.
Then..there's the dance/aerobic music I love...Used to teach aerobics/excersize classes. Michael Jackson is one who had a good beat.

This is something else I have a diversity in prefrence.
True murder/mysteries would be one type.
True history
Western/Native American
Dragon stories
Space science fiction
I'll have to look at my books..and list a few titles. That might be easier!
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The full Rainbow effect.....lol
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I decided to update this too! I think my favorite food this week is fruit. I LOVE mangos! And raspberries and navel oranges and green grapes. I love Italian foods...and Mexican spicy foods and German foods. Okay....what the heck...just say ALL foods and be done with it.

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Here are a few pictures of some critters around our home. I'll add lots more later, just wanted to get some of them on and see how they appeared.
I am soon going to make another slide show for rehabilited animals and birds for release. First I'll have to scan the photos to put in the computer.

I wrote something earlier here..but after reading it...thought it might have sounded a bit morbid, so thought I'd revise it a little.
I'm a twin...the kind of relationship I couldn't have with anyone else in the world. I thought that was kind of neat...a one of a kind. She's passed though and I'm okay with it. We all adapt somehow to changes and sometimes for the better. She's probably watching over me now...mostly laughing at my goofs.
I've traveled a few places over seas. Was in the service in this country...and served the military in as a GS4 while in Germany. Had loads of fun and excitement.
Lived on an island off the coast of Ga where hubby and I both worked for the state. He for Fish and Game..me for Non-game. We were but two of four people who lived there...we were permanent..the others semi. Had to get their by boat..45 minute ride. I loved it. Worked the turtle project and was hired to hunt predators..i.e. hogs and raccoons who destroyed turtle nests and the island itself.
Had deer follow me everywhere..and geese. The only place I ever felt at home and I dearly miss it.
Now..live on my folks wooded land in NW TENN with hubby who is in the final stage of COPD and who suffered carbon monoxide poisoning on the move down from Northern MN where he is from.
I had to deplete my family of birds before the move....and now only have two dearly loved African Greys ...one I raised named Tickles..the other is Ruby...who is one of several I adopted a few years ago. With our adopted 7 month old German Shepherd pup we have our small family. We hope to get back into adopting parrots in need of homes...then just make them happy...and if some may be able to find new happy homes..we'd adopt them out. Only though..if the original owners wished such. We did this before...then health issues took control. Now we have the land and will build the facility to allow them to stay no matter our health.

Exotic Birds, The wilderness, Rehabbing wildlife/birds for release, Gardening, Fishing, Arts and Crafts.
A clean home. Seeing hubby and animal/bird companions happy.
Watching my Mom and Dad smile and have fun.
Going for wlks in the woods early in the morning or near dark.
Plenty of food, airconditioning in the summer and heat in the winter.
Making people laugh.
Witnessing all the new life starting out in the springtime.
Sitting on the deck with a fresh cup of coffee, right at dawn, listening to the chorus of birds singing in the new day and watching the wildlife waking up for breakfast.
Listening to the crackling fire in the fireplace on a cold blustery night.
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Screaming babies and children in the grocery store or restaraunt. Children gone wild in the grocery store.
An over full garbage can.
A worm in my chocolate candy bar.
Over ripe anything.
The last M&M.
Ticks and skeeters....okay..biteful bugs.
And Dialup internet..AAAARRRGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

I hope to someday return to adopting and/or rescueing exotic birds in need of a new home for whatever reason.
Rehabbing wildlife and birds.
Sketching and crafts.
NEW hobby: Playing with website building. haha
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