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A Small Rural Town Gal

mem_normal OFFLINE
82 years old
Turin, Iowa
United States

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RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 04/28/2008
LAST LOGIN: 08/27/2010 11:33:15

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I like many movies and I own many dvds. I don't like the thrillers anymore. I use to. I don't like the gory or war movies.

I will listen to all kinds of music for short periods of time. I'm not fond of the Hard Rock music and very little Rap. I hum along to everything even though I am out of tune. My left foot taps to all music....even ringtones on cell phones!!

I read all kinds of novels, some history,some biographies, some true stories, but mystery and romance are my favorites.

I love pastels! I choose light blue in clothes and home decorating, so that must be my favorite color.

OKAy, this is where Crohn's Disease comes in again. I love most food, but can't eat most of my favorite foods. I've had to learn they are not favorites anymore.
I do love to have a good, tender, medium-well grilled steak.
And Popcorn!!

I am short and overweight, but I try to keep as active as I can. I have Crohn's Disease, an Irritable Bowel Syndrome, so I am limited to where I can go and what I can do. I have worked for a small lumber company/hardware store for 33 years, having gone part time just recently. I am the bookkeeper at the store.
I and my husband of 45 years have two sons and a daughter. We have 1 grandson, 3 granddaughters, a step-grandson and a step-granddaughter. Also we have 3 step-great grandsons. They all live close to us.
My husband is self-employed driving his own grain semi.

I like being home. I have worked over 50 years. I am now semi-retired. I work a couple days of the week which is just right.
I like QUIET.
I like my family around for short periods of time...and then only if they are somewhat quiet.
I like watching kids playing and wild birds busy with their daily lives.
I like to write, too, as you will learn after reading my profile.

I don't like appointments of any kind.
I don't like talking on the telephone.
I don't like people who like to argue...that is such a waste of breath and time. You aren't going to change my mind and I won't change yours, so don't bother starting an argument with me. :)
I don't like crowds of people.
I don't like getting out of bed early in the mornings unless I have something fun to do when I do get up.

Scrapbooking and photography. I'm not a good photographer, but I do okay. I don't own expensive equipment.
I also enjoy 'playing' on the computer, reading books and cross stitching.

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