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summer Pictures, Images and Photos

88 years old
Prince George

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Profile Views: 5996
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Profile Views: 5997

JOB: Retired
DRINK: Socially
RELIGION: Catholic
MEMBER SINCE: 01/04/2010
LAST LOGIN: 09/06/2011 22:50:35

Bubble Shooter
Arcade Champion: Danny
My High Score: N/A

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I haven't been to a movie hall for years and I can take TV or leave it,But I like CSI, Family shows and I will watch one soap (The Bold And Beautiful)and some time they annoy me. chuckle.
BF and Flowers-Gltr Pictures, Images and Photos

I like country music of the 60's 70'sand 80's.But Gospel is my most favorite.Tried playing the violin until it nearly drove me crazy not to mension every one else so I gave it up amd played guitar,taught myself. and since my severe lung problem I couldn't sing anymore I sold my guitar last fall,now I miss it.

I have a lot of books I really like,History,Chronicles and Heritage and True stories.But I don't sit and read a lot any more as the computer came between us,chuckle.Two of my favorite books are the "Ten Lost Years" and "River Of Gold" bothe true stories,excelant read.I also really like "Strange Stories Amazing Facts"
centerpink rose and lavendar flowers sparkle bar Pictures, Images and Photos

I like a lot of colors,Autumn colors,I like to wear the rose,pink,greens and blues and black.
pink rose chain Pictures, Images and Photos

I like a lot of different foods home cooked my favorite,I really like meat,potatoes,gravy home made breads and pies,I mustn't leave out the chocolate and home made fudge now I am hungry again chuckle.

Arrangement gif Pictures, Images and Photoscenter

Divider, Flowers with a Butterfly Pictures, Images and Photos

Custom Myspace Clock


Short update on Rosaire!Today May 3rd is a full month for Rosaire to be in the
hospital,and there are no changes,he is really coming along at a snails pace,some
day's it seems he is getting better then he go's back to the same thing.
Rosaire still and wont ever be able to stand or walk as far as I can see and from what
the Dr's tell us there is nothing more they can do as his heart is tired and the muscles are week
although he still thinks they could get him walking again but they are not trying.?so it's gets hard to keep telling him that it will take time,he didn't get to this point over night and they couldn't help him so it's question able as to how they can get him walking now.

Poor Rosaire,It's very hard for him as it is for other patient to build up there body after its taken such a fall back.
He gave the night nurse two good scares though the first was for his heart and the second scare was when his blood sugar went down to 1.3 he was at a close stage of not knowing anything.They were giving him too much insulin as his blood sugars kept going to high. very unpredictable.

Any way I still spend most of my time with him and I am doing ok as that's pretty much all I do.and he is most of the time in good spirits.He is in the Family Unit now and there is no word yet on an opening for long term
So for now that's about it.
Take care,with Love and Hugs Norma.

I was married to my first husband for twelve years when he passed away from a massive heart attack, we had three children one daughter two sons and a little boy who is an angel in heaven,since then I have remarried to a great guy for thirty years who was never married and had no children until then he has my children who really love him so we now have six grand children and five great grand children,

gold divider Pictures, Images and Photos

I like many different things Babys small puppies, flowers all of Gods creations except bugs and crawly things but am very limited with COPD (emphysema)But I still crochet, knit, do puzzles and of course my favorite friend (computer)Well my husband is my first friend.Chuckle Chuckl

Well I do not like people being rude to others.Storms and creepy crawly things,Yikes!
Gold Pictures, Images and Photos

My hobbies are very limited as I said,I do believe our motor home vacations are over as that was a big one for us.
I do a lot of knitting mittens and tuque's for St Vincent De Poul.Heath problems really get in the way of most activities.We also house sit for the kids.

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09/07/2021 21:21:25

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