Happy in Georgia
Female 87 years old South GA coast, Georgia United States
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Profile Views: 1119
[ 13 ]
12/04/2009 14:56:26 |
My all-time favorite movie from childhood was named "The Five Sullivans". A true story of 5 brothers serving in the Navy and their ship was torpedoed during WW11 and the ship went down. Don't know why I just loved that movie (I was a young child) but I ended up marrying a Sullivan!!
I like most all music except Rap--that's not music to me--jabbering to a weird beat!!
"The Winds of War"--about 1300 pages. I liked it so much that I read it in one week-end!! Other than that, the Bible is truly a constant source of comfort and hope.
Any shade of purple!!!! Also, I like bright ruby red!!! I definitely look better in the "cool" colors.
Oh goodness--is there a food I don't like? LOL Have had to reduce salt in-take recently so most of my favorite foods are "no-nos" now. Boo-hoo. However, most fruits and some chocolate treats are salt free so I'm ok!! LOLOLOL
Hi Everyone for "dropping in" on my page. I don't get to check in very much since it seems that most of my time is taken up with physical therapy for my shoulders now!! LOL Got hurt during physical therapy for my legs. Wouldn't you know it? LOL However, I am enjoying my time at the facility 5 times a week using all the gym equipment and it has been a "real blessing". I have made some great friends (we are all in the same boat") and visiting helps to pass the time!
Have a blessed day!
Only child (not spoiled, for sure), married 38 yrs., three children and 9 grandchildren, widowed 10 yrs. Up until recent bilateral knee replacement, I kept busy all the time and enjoyed being "on the go"! Now, I spend most of my time exercising my knees and taking PT rehab for shoulders hurt during knee PT! LOL Doing better and starting to travel some.
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends! I am blessed with 3 children and 9 grandchildren. My church is a great source of comfort and friendship and we have lots of fun!!!
I also love to cruise--have been to the Bahamas several times and had a wonderful trip cruising the "inside passage" in Alaska. Hopefully, I can do that again!!
Don't like "snobs", bullies and "know-it-alls"! Don't care that much for housekeeping, yard-work and cooking for just me. Not "my cup of tea" anymore! Do have some great recipes for gatherings, etc.
"Surfing" on the 'puter is definitely a hobby. I have made so many wonderful friends and enjoy hearing from old and new friends. I started an internet prayer chain consisting of friends at many churches. PTL for so many answered prayers. If any of you want to send me requests, I will be glad to send out to the Prayer Warriors.
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