Music Lover
Male 75 years old Bedford, Texas United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 787
[ 2 ]
03/03/2010 15:48:31 |
Favorite movies of all time for me, are the Sound of Music, Shawshank Redemption, 300, and Doctor Zhivago.
My all time favorites are Peter, Paul and Mary,Nancy Griffith, Enya,
The Bible,
I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist
My favorite color is sky blue
A good steak and baked potato
I am a very gentle soul. I like soft spoken conversations. I am curious about many things including astronomy and the universe.
I am a Christian first and foremost.
I like composing poetry and religious songs that are uplifting and positive.
I am a music enthusiast.
I like writing poetry and song lyrics. I love to play guitar and play with the guys at the local senior citizens building.
Guitars, especially handmade instruments. Classical guitars are of greater significance.
I don't like cigarette smoke. I don't like folks who come across as being all knowing or folks who are insincere.
My hobbies include antique metal car models.
I enjoy music with few exceptions. I enjoy writing my own songs and playing them for others.
Ghostwriter565 has 2 friend(s)