Goatman on TickHill
Male 100 years old Bartlesville, Oklahoma United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1748
 [ 107 ]
02/10/2016 11:40:28 |
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Just watch a few on the TV. Not much on movies.
Forget it. I am handicapped in that I'm completely tone deaf. I can hear the beat in music and that is all. It makes no sense to me. I can not recognize a tune unless I hear the words.
Used to be an avid reader but gave it up in my later years. I liked mystery novels and some science fiction.
Blue - but not black and blue
Green is okay and chocolate brown is nice
Would you believe it is Pizza or Mexican food? I like my food spicy!! Pecan pie is my favorite dessert.
I grew up on a farm near Uvalde, Texas. Went into the army in 1943 and was sent to Europe with the 777th Tank battalion recon platoon. We fought our way across Germany with the 28th and 69th infantry divisions and met the Russians on the Elbe river..
I attended the University of Texas at Austin for four years then tried farming for 2 years. Gave up and went to work for Phillips Petroleum Co. until retirement time.
I like to play in the dirt- Vegetable garden that is! I like to watch my goats play in the pasture in front of our house. I like the game that goes across the opening in the pasture. We see turkeys, deer and an occasional coyote.
I dislike crowds..I think that is a hangover from my army days. A crowd draws enemy fire. I get nervous in a crowd.
I guess gardening is my favorite. I used to hunt but gave it up. We have pecan trees and have harvested quite a few. One year the squirrels ate all of our pecans. I killed 104 squirrels that year. They say a squirrel can eat 50 pounds of nuts in a year. I believe it!!