I have a lot of favorites, I like movies that deal with our government and suspense "who done it" mysteries; but I will always have a special place for "Ghost" with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayzee. Always been a fan of James Bond, and anything usually that Meryl Streep, Jack Nickolson, Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford are in.
I'm not a big reader, but a friend loaned me a very inspirational book called "Golfing with God", which I couldn't put down until I finished it. Each chapter allows you to play a round of golf with every type personality you can imagine. It helps you establish the type of playing partner you want others to see you as.....a great "eye opener" for golfers.
Blue/Autumn colors
Have many favorites; Beef Stroganoff, Spiral Ham, Chicken Cassorole(s),and everybody's favoriete, Pizza.
The golf course is closed for play once again until Spring, but please feel free to stop and visit me anytime you like. I'm really happy to be a member of the NOTH gang. Take care and God bless you all.
Always remember to "drive safely" !!!!!
I'm retired after 23 yrs in the USAF, and another 14 years as a Project Manager with (5) Informtion Technology Companies handling contracting with the AF Accounting and Fiance Centers. I'm divorced and have two children and two grandsons. Althought no longer married, I do have a very special lady friend named Diane, who along with her children and grandchildren have been a very important part of my life for 24 years now. I am an avid golfer and play an average of 4 to 5 times a week. I keep up with all professinal major sports.
People! I've always been a people's person. I worked 5 yrs. for Circuit City Inc., in retail after my retirement from the USAF and met so many interesting people and made some really great acquaintances. I think Thundercloud and Eightball are special individuals who have made enormous contributions to the IT community.
I don't have time for false individuals. I'm not looking to be impressed, just be yourself. I prefer to associate with "real" people. I have no time for liar's and cheaters or those who think they're to good for the rest of us.
My love of Golf, whether watching it on TV or playing it myself.