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mem_normal OFFLINE
69 years old
Bedford, Indiana
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Jun 14 2008, 1:38 pm by GrandmaVickie
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Passion of Christ. Narnia. I don't know, don't watch alot of movies. There's some I like but I've got fibro fog as I fill this out and I can't think of the names of them. Anything with Sam Elliot or Clint Eastwood in them. lolol

Country and old time rock. I belong to MySpace and there's a young man there on my friends list who played at Walmart in Seymour not long ago. My daughter bought his CD for my grandson then and then went to Coyote's in Louisville to hear him play. He sounds great and I hope he makes it big someday. Jason Meadows is his name. Alabama will always be my all time fav artists but I like alot of 'em. Brad Paisley, Martina McBride.....too many to mention. I like Bob Seger, ZZ Top, Bon Jovi and I listend to my grandson's NickleBack cd awhile back and it was good. lol

Mysteries. I like the Jan Karon "Mitford' books. She's a good author. V.C. Andrews, I like to read her also. I will read anythin' I can get my hands on pretty much. When I have time that is.....lol

My favorite color is any shade of red from the lightest pink to the darkest red. Have a hard time choosin' 'tween red and blue though so the same goes for blue...from the lightest shade to the darkest. ;)

Medium rare steak, baked tater with sourcream and butter and a salad. Not healthy for me I know, but my favorite none the less. lol

Not much to tell really folks. I'm a downhome country gal born and raised. I live on ten acres out in the middle of nowhere. My husband and I built our home ourselves 18 yrs ago with the help of a contractor friend. I'm pretty easygoin' and laid back for the most part. Just don't mess with my family and everything will be fine and dandy. LOL I belong to two support groups online for fibromyalgia and I don't know what I'd do without those folks. I've had fibro since the early 1990's. I am also a Type2 diabetic and had Barrett's Esophagus but hopefully it's healed. I have arthritis too. But I keep pluggin' along. lol I married my high school sweety 34 yrs ago and love him more today than I ever have. He's my rock in this storm called life. We have one child in Heaven, our son Jared, and two grown daughters who blessed us with four grandbabies. Our oldest daughter lives in a mobile home with her husband and three of our grandyounin's, Robby who's ten, Ruby's 6 and Wyatt's 19 mths. Our youngest lives 20 miles away with her husband and our youngest grandaughter, Haley who's a year old.
I'm the 'first born' of four children. I have done a little of everythin' in my life. I've worked in factories, for a psychiatrist as his receptionist, in a little country store five miles down the road. I sold real estate when our girls were small. I'm a people person I guess you'd say. Love meetin' new folks. My girls get aggravated sometimes cause I'll strike up a conversation with a stranger in a store and stand and talk forever. I'm a talker too I reckon. lol I've been known to give someone a hug in the store if it seems like they're havin' a rough time. I have a strong faith in God but I'm a sinner although I try my best. My favorite shirt says "I'm not perfect.....Just forgiven" ;) I don't know what else to tell ya. Anythin' ya wanna know just ask. My life is an open book. lol
Oh yeah, other than workin' when my husband would get laid off from his toolmaker job at Cummins Inc, I've been a housewife all my life. My favorite job. ;) My husband is retired now and works partime at a little place down the road. He's our township trustee and I do his clerk work for him. I love to laugh and feel laughter will cure darn near anythin'. LOL Life's just too darn short to spend it bein' angry or holdin' a grudge against someone, ya know? Let it go.... ;)

Love my family most of all. My family is my life. I like NASCAR racing and dirt track racing. Dale Jr. is my favorite driver of them all but I like alot of them. I garden and do all the cannin' and freezin' that goes along with it. Used to do alot of crafty things and sewin' til I got to babysittin' the grandyoungin's so often. ;) The SPEED channel is my favorite on dish tv. I like mysteries and comedies, books and movies. Country music and old rock. Alabama is my favorite group and I wish they'd tour again. lol Sam Elliot is my favorite actor. Wooo wooo. lol
Like spendin' time down at church doin' things for others. I love hugs and I'm a hugger myself. I like alot of things, too many to put here I'm afraid. LOL Like spending time with my family most of all.

Mean people suck. I don't like blood and guts in movies. Just not my cup of tea, ya know? lol Gossip, I hate gossip. Negative stuff, don't like that. Liars and thieves.

I used to have alot of hobbies til I started babysittin' so much. Used to sew alot. Read more. I used to shoot on an archery league with my husband. Used to bowl. Have a muzzleloader that I've not shot now in a coon's age. lol Used to go huntin' with Nick, my hubby. I used to do alot of things until the fibromyalgia got so bad and I started babysittin' so much.

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