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What I stand for is what I stand on. - Wendell Berry, farmer, author

mem_normal OFFLINE
68 years old
Green Bay, Wisconsin
United States

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LAST LOGIN: 03/27/2023 13:02:16

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Currently at home....Km. 0, Interstate 60, The Tudors, Obsessed

Current TV Favs: Fringe, Divine Design, Dollhouse, Melrose Place, Gossip Girl, The Good Wife

I really do love just about everything...all kinds of music new and old, from blues to classical. Some of my favs are Asleep at the Wheel, Blossom Dearie, Toni Price, The Chieftans, Gwen Stefani, Beatles, Doors...really depends on the mood I'm in at the moment or the mood I'd like to be in.

Currently reading The Lunatic Cafe by Laurell K. Hamilton, A Feast For Crows by George R. R. Martin (anyone who is a Sci-Fi fan this is a GREAT series beginning with A Game of Thrones), listening to The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb, and still reading The Time Traveler's Wife (Book Club Pick which has been sitting in my bookcase for ages.)

Me favorite color is Purple, but I'm also a fan of Navy Blue, Black, and Red.

Hmmm, seems I have a new favorite food to add...Green Nickel's Fetalicious Pizza. Yumm! Mom's scalloped potatoes and pork chops, ham (in just about any way shape or form), good ice cream and eggs...especially a frittata with spinach, coffee with flavored creamer and cereal on a Saturday morning. Oh to have the leisure to relax with a good cup of Joe.

Not much going on that's new lately...finished my second class and got an A. Will be taking Elementary Statistics in February and I'm scared to death as I haven't had Math in over 35 years (even though I use it every day). Still in transportation although times are very tough for those of us in small companies. The cats have gone to live with my son due to my allergies but they do come to visit every now and then.

I have worked in Transportation in just about every aspect except as a truck driver for the past 33 years. I'm currently working for Jim Piontek Trucking in Green Bay as the Manager of the Brokerage Department. I have a son Phil who is 30 years young. I raised him as a single Mom and while it wasn't always easy he's been the one constant in my life.

I've lived in Wisconsin, Colorado, California, and Iowa but always seem to come back to Wisconsin where my roots are. I grew up in a large extended family and have 38 fist cousins on my Dad's side. Growing up on a farm in the country wasn't always ideal, in fact at times it was a lot of hard work but I loved it. Can you imagine living on the same road with 31 of your first cousins? You always had a playmate and a best friend, no matter what.

I've led a fairly adventurous (some would call it something else) life although now I'm more content to relax at home than seek out the spotlight. I'll leave that up to my son, now its his turn to shine. I've had many challenges in my life but I'd like to believe they have made me a better person and as one of my favorite quotes says...."It's never too late to have a happy childhood."

Pansies, Sweet Pansies (1 Oct 2007), Transportation, Fall Truck Pictures 2004, Cats, Spike, Learning new things, Dowsing, Pendulum Star 8, Rugby, 2004 Division III State Champs, Green Bay Packers, green bay packers, Live Music, Hello Kitty, hello kitty, People who smile from their lips through their eyes, A good belly laugh, Dining out with Friends, Great conversations

Small Print, Passive-Agressive People, Credit Card Companies, Hummers, That I'll just never be able to read everything available to me, Buffets, That I find it difficult to trust people

Dowsing, the Paranormal, Self-Improvement, reading for pleasure and for book clubs. Counted Cross Stitching and of course playing on the computer...I think I'm addicted to some of the games on here! I bought a new camera this Spring so am dabbling with photography too.

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