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86 years old
Weslaco, Texas
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2702
[ 1913 ]

Referrals: 1
Who referred me: joyful226

Profile Views: 2703

JOB: Retired
DRINK: Socially
RELIGION: Catholic
MEMBER SINCE: 07/27/2009
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 04/18/2016 18:00:17

An Affair to Remember, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The YaYa Sisters, Miracle on 34th Street, White Christmas

Rochester, MN Weather Forecast

This picture reminds me of the springtime in the Texas Hill Country. I just love it!

Weslaco, TX (78596) Weather Forecast

Easy listening, Christian music, Country Western, Classical....just leave out the rap and hip hop stuff.

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Anything by John Sanford, John Grisham, Nora Roberts, James Patterson, Nelson DeMille, David Baldacci to name a few.

Books are like good friends..always there for you...........

God's beauty can be found in all shades of the rainbow.

And....I especially love red hair since my mother was a redhead and I have some grandkids with red hair.


Growing up in Texas, my favorite is Tex-Mex and almost any kind of sweets.

And don't forget to add chocolate.........

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Oct 30 2009, 10:09 pm by HelensHrlms
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Oct 29 2009, 12:31 pm by HelensHrlms
1 154
Sep 16 2009, 1:56 pm by HelensHrlms
1 611
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Joyful226 is my contact person. Connie is a wonderful friend and I'm so glad that she is in my life. She sure has made me feel very Welcome here on The Hill!


" I grew up in Texas and spent the first 40 years of my life here. I have five children and 11 grandchildren. I am a middle child of 8 children. All except one of my siblings still live in Texas. I did retire about 10 years ago, but continue to work part-time when I am in MN. I head South to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas for the winters as I don't really enjoy the cold weather in the mid-west. I enjoy making new friends and I met Connie through a mutual friend via e-mail. So you never know what treasures you will find when you open an e-mail. You can learn more about me by reading my blog."


Jesus in my life and my heart, Babies, spending time with Family and especially Grandkids, Friends that are honest with me, good food, reading, playing games~ since I didn't get much time to do that when I was younger, shopping and quilting.


Paperwork, dirty dishes, dishonesty, especially in someone that calls you friend, people that are discourteous on the roads and cut in lines when shopping.

Mostly, I like growing older...I just don't like having to slow down. I'm still 33 years old in my heart! How old are you in your heart?



Reading, quilting, beautiful flowers, walking the trails nearby, bingo, games with friends.

And one more thought as you leave my page.........

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