Homemade Glow
Female 81 years old Florissant, Missouri United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1122
[ 22 ]
03/12/2013 10:51:23 |
most! Usually favor a good drama or suspense yarn.
most! some of each genre pleases me ... (rap would not be a favorite!, but most)
Everything from cereal boxes to textbooks ... all that is inbetween! Have enjoyed reading since 4 years old! Love my Kindle I got for Christmas!!!
Definitely RED ! But, all color pleases me ... my eyes delight when resting on all ... like to change color about throughout my life.
Gosh! I enjoy almost everything. Guess it would be easier to say what I don't like ... dont like sushi, wild meats, the smell of fish cooking,most oriental dishes, the same of anything over time.
Perhaps I live in the land of OZ with my dog-like cat and cat-like dog. I got the dog as a pet for my cat ... they are great friends and play buddies.
I enjoy my life and many I come in contact with. I enjoy very, very simple things and also big and complicated! I enjoy my many simple days filled with many interests, ideas, short adventures and chores.
Salsa - my dog and Snickers - my cat, reading, sometimes writing, movies - always, music - most, photography, creating - anything, some word games, working/playing on my 'puters, software junkie, working in most of my Corel programs, flower aranging, decorating, cool weather or cold, sunshine or rain, short road trips, several TV series (when I can find a NEW episode), folks from all walks of life and their ideas and interests, and etc., etc., etc. ...
Geroge W. Bush (disappointed in Obama and ALL of congress!!!), hot weather, selfishness, groups that "exclude" to make themselves feel important, judgements based on personal characteristics, not caring for those around you.
I think most of my "What I Like" qualifies as a hobby!!! LOL
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