Female 70 years old Colorado Springs, Colorado United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1064
[ 33 ]
03/20/2011 07:09:25 |
Don't care much for horror films or some of the romantic comedies, but like most anything else. One of the best ones I've seen in the lasst year was one called The Professional. It stars that French cop from the Davinci Code. Bauche or something like that. Not a big hit but a darn fine movie. Love the old musicals. You know the really old ones like Easter Parade and Funny Face.
NO hip-hop, no rap, not much heavy metal but otherwise everything goes.
My very best frineds in the entire universe. People think that I should probably have an operation to remove that book that seems to always be attached to my hand.
Blue Any shade of Blue but especially Turquoise
Well you see, I'm on a seafood diet. As a retired chef if I see food I just have to try it.only a very few things I haven't or won't try. Strangest thing I ever ate was roasted scorpion. Anthony Bourdaun has nothing on me there.
You don't know me yet but you're gonna love me.
I'm a retired chef that had a successful restuarant and catering company in NYC for 10+ yrs. Originally from the deep south and Darn proud of it. Have a degree in journalism fron UF(go Gators). Am a personal friend of Paula Deen from way back when. I've lived in 17 states and 4 foriegn countries. Was one of the first two female paramedics in the state of Florida. Guess you could say Been There Done That.
People, Books, Food (repeat), music, being a mentor to young people and serving my community
Don't like people not willing to try something new or hear the whole story.
Cooking, reading, fishing, getting to know people, learning almost anything new, trivia
IWinSlowly has 6 friend(s)