Animal Lover, specially dogs and horses
Female 89 years old Russell Ontario Canada
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Christian - other |
05/27/2015 08:38:28 |
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Love big band music, 50's music, pop, country,rock & roll, classic, hate rap or hard rock.Love Andre Rieu, Zamfir.
Daniel Steel, Jean Auel, have read Edgar Kasey, history novels, like Alexander the Great etc. So busy on the computer, that I dont have the time to read the way I used to.
I love red, but most colours are good, the rainbow, nature has a lot to offer.
I like a good pot roast with loads of veggies, grilled chicken on the BRBQ. Once in a while I like a Rib eye steak, dont eat red meat often, but will even eat lest now that I have a stent in my artery. . I love salads, any kind, as long as their is lots of greens in it.I rarely eat dessert but I will enjoy a piece of chocolate chocolate cheese cake. Spagetti with my homemade sauce, and a nice Spanish omelette with lots of cheese. Wow, I have gained
10 lbs just writing this out lol
I was a foster mom for Cairn Terriers, Col Potter Cairn Rescue group Started to do this 5 years ago, I adopted my first foster little girl, she is wheaten in colour.Horrible what these sweet little dogs go through in those puppy mills, so it makes my heart fill with love to help these little fur faces find freedom and love and wonderful families to live with.My second foster boy found his adoptive family one month after he came to me.Another success story.But I did miss him, hardest part of the job is letting go. I had to send my little Cairn Megan, over the Rainbow Bridge this past September, she was very ill, with lymphoma. I will always love and miss her.
I love spring, summer, fall, not so much winter, no that is not true, I do love to see the mountains covered with the glissening white snow, and all the fir trees blanketed as well . A hot latte with foam and chocolate on top.The ocean, even when the waves are high, watching the birds bathe in the bird bath in the spring and summer.Walking on the beach in the warm sunshine.Working on my PC.Going out with a friend or friends for coffee and chat.And of course taking care of my little fur face, and getting thank you kisses from her.
I cant stand hypocrites, liars, thieves, people who cant speak two words without profanity, who belittle some unfortunate people, cold bathroom before a shower or bath, extremely loud people , have someone other than the person you are talking to, cut you off before you finish your sentence.And extremely rude people.Drunks who annoy you.
Enjoy working on the computer, spending time with my family now that I am back in Ontario where they all live, ,gardening,painting.. Cooking,decorating the home, and contacting my friends through emails.
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