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mem_normal OFFLINE
80 years old
Oroville, California
United States

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Profile Views: 1147
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JOB: Retired
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 12/18/2008
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 02/08/2010 11:19:34

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Overboard, Butcher's Wife, Shattered, Somewhere in Time, 13 going on 30, Ghost, Far and Away, all Transporter, Borne and Mission Impossible movies. Any movie that makes me laugh til I cry, or is quality action, keeping me on the edge of my seat.

Golden Oldies, Easy Listening, Soundscapes and and a variety of others.

My favorite color is green. What does that color say about me and others who share the same color preference?
Personality: A preference for green shows that a person is a terrific listener who’s never too busy to help a friend in need. But your ability to put yourself in other people’s shoes is your true gift. And although you appear innocent at times, your natural curiosity and your understanding of what makes people tick makes you more streetwise than you seem.
Anyway that is what they say over there at: www.lifescript.com

I love strawberry ice cream:
A love for strawberry reveals a thoughtful, logical person who carefully weighs each option before making decisions. More a follower than a leader, you are content and effective working behind the scenes and out of the limelight. In relationships, you are often characterized as shy and reserved. Although you don’t fall head-over-heels in love at first sight, once you commit to a relationship, you are loyal and supportive.

Romantic Compatibility: You are most compatible with those who prefer Strawberry, Rocky Road, Mint Chocolate Chip and Vanilla. www.icecream.com



June 12, 2009 I became a grandmother again. His name is Dillon Jeremy and he weighed in at 9 1/2 pounds. He was premature so he was a very large premature baby. He is precious. Will add his pic soon.

Meet my Family. It is incomplete and I am still working on the slide. When it is finished I will update it here. I have started with my siblings and their spouses, then my Son's their wifes n children, showing one family at a time. I hope you enjoy meeting them.

Dear Friends, I deleted my guestbook in error! I have created a new guestbook. Won't you please take time to sign the guest book for me.

What I like? Staying home and doing things the home provides, including my computer. I love the peace and quiet of the mountains free from judgement, A rippling brook, rustling of the leaves from a gentle wind and a soft rain on my cheeks; the smell of Spring and Autumn; a great cup of coffee. I love babies and the way they smile, and music from the late 50s early 60s. Above all, I love God, my family and all my friends. They make my world a much happier place.

I don't like the city, but I am glad others do; that leaves me more room in my small town. I don't like gridlock found mainly in the city. I hate the frustration and delays caused by gridlock or even slow moving traffic. I don't like crowded places where no one is polite any more. Not even an excuse me, when stepped on, pushed or shoved. And, I don't like standing in line or waiting. I do not like judments placed on individuals by other people. Why can't we just value the opportunity to know people and things different from what some consider normal. It drives me nuts. And, yes, I am judgemental because I am obviously judging people who judge. A little ironic, isn't it?


I’m a genealogical junky. I have been tracing my ancestors for the last 12 years. It all started when my oldest brother insisted I assume the responsibility of family historian, the keeper of the family records. I didn’t really take the responsibility seriously in the beginning, but the more involved I became the more I noticed the spirits of my ancestors demanded I find them. The reward for knowing them is this, I feel different about who I am. And, I have a multitude of wonderful stories to tell my grandchildren.

As I discover more about my ancestor’s lives, I better understand myself, and my behaviors passed down to me alongside my DNA. What a mystical thing this DNA is.

Although I am a homebody, I spend most of my time in search of gravestones, wills, and church records? I guess you could say I am obsessed, compelled to discover my ancestors’ names, occupations, trials and tribulations, illnesses, you name it the list goes on and on.
Census schedules and cemetery listings are more interesting to me than a really good book.
Through genealogy, I’ve discovered an abundance of family. Genealogy creates, not just trees but forests of connections. Leave a legacy for your family and build your family tree online while you still can. There are many genealogy sites providing templates for creating your own family tree for free. However, I prefer Geni com, where you can add ancestors, and present day information, videos and pictures. Once you have entered your immediate family to your tree, invite them to participate and watch your tree grow into many forests.

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