Female 81 years old Charleston, South Carolina United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1895
  [ 202 ]
09/11/2010 14:17:05 |
1930s-70s Classics--TCM-TV
Anything with Johnny Depp---
He makes my heart sing

I prefer movies that make me laugh.

Favorite genre is Celtic;
love Classic Rock 'n' Roll,
tap my foot to most all but 'country'.
I no longer read books - it's all online for me.
When I DID read I read a great deal.
My favs: historical novels and non-fiction history while climbing my family tree
as well as natural healing, prescription alternatives, hatha yoga.
No, I'm not a hypochondriac.
I just believe knowledge is power and
I've only just learned how to crawl
during this brief span of earth life.


If it's food it's my favorite but that
doesn't mean I'll eat it. I make a conscious
effort to maintain a balanced Ph because the
acidic body has difficulty fighting dis-ease.

I'm a transplanted Okie in South Carolina since 1987.
Married "again" in 1989 and live with him and our 6 rescued cats.
Kelly Girl, my angel: 6 yr old Calico
SAME LITTER::short-haired Tabby age 1 1/2
Bandit:: Tabby Mix turned 1 in October
 All my family is in OK and TX
I claim 5 children, 14 grandchildren and 5 greats.
Even though they are 38-47 I still get phone calls for "Mama Hugs" when somebody feels poorly, has need of work advice, how to make my famous chili, etc. I must have done something right along the way!
 I Like Friends That Share:

I've found that as long as it gives me joy
it's likeable
so it's easier to say what I don't like.

I'm an avid arm-chair NASCAR fan.
#14, Tony Stewart, is my favorite.
JaneyS Tags 'n' Things, The Daily Dose That Does Ya Good!
This hobby gives me a feeling of making a difference and I'd love it if you would subscribe.
It's Free!

Send private email to me at with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. My list is private and never shared. Subscribe to [JaneyS-TNT]--- you'll be glad you did!!
Other Hobbies include: BIRD WATCHING



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