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85 years old
New Jersey
United States

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JOB: Self employed
MEMBER SINCE: 05/03/2008
LAST LOGIN: 08/06/2016 05:54:37

Bubble Shooter
Arcade Champion: Danny
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Dec 04 2011, 3:52 pm by Jennipurr
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A Walk in The Clouds
The Reader
Slumdog Millionairre

Regina Spektor
Tracy Chapman
Ingrid Michaelson
Ender Raine

The Girl With the Pearl Earring
Tulip Fever
Historical Fiction

I have so many!
I love green. To me, that is the color of growth and life.
Violet makes me happy inside. It is a color that sings to me.
Red is my passionate color. When I feel great enthusiasm for something I am drawn to red.
Periwinkle Blue makes me feel peaceful, relaxed and that all is well.
Brown is the earth, and I like its natural look, especially when I feel like simplifying my life.
Yellow makes me feel warm and sunny inside.
I enjoy living in an area where there are 4 seasons because I get to enjoy the soft colors of spring, the riotous colors of summer and the blaze of fall color and finally the sparkles of winter white!

I particularly like ethnic foods.

I enjoy reading recipes and watching cooking shows.
I really enjoy cooking, the prep, the cooking, the wonderful smells. The best would be to be able to share it all with family or friends.
I think that is why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!

Oh Boy!
Playing around here and trying to change some settings. I sure do NOT know what I am doing!!!!! I have lost my colors.......have a theme that I don't want....I really have to work on this!!!

Good Morning Everyone,
I want to thank everyone who has sent me congratulations for being a featured member.It makes me feel so good to read all of the good wishes. It certainly is the way to start off the day with a smile!
It is a rainy Tuesday here. I like it as to me it is a sign of spring.
I have to work today. I finish tonight at 8:30. I am really tired by that time and fight to stay up to see "Dancing with the stars" results.
Is anyone else a fan of the show? I really did not know many of the celeb personalities this year, but as the season unfolds and I see how hard they work, I have respect for every one!
Have a good day everyone,
I send you a smile and a hug.

Good Sunday Morning to everyone,
I had such a gift on Friday afternoon...I happened to look out into my back yard in the early afternoon and there was a doe and twin yearlings out there!I did not go out all afternoon for fear of scaring them away. They were munching new grass and sleeping for several hours. They did not go away till early evening....what a lovely visit! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend..It is sunny and blue skies here in NJ. Sending a smile and a hug! Jennipurr

April 1, 2011
I am traveling around the hill and visiting home pages...I forgot what a feast for the eyes and spirit the hill is...how positive and uplifting. Thank you all!!!

April 1, 2011
I am stunned! I cannot understand how I got to be a featured member today. I have only just come back to the Hill after being gone for a long period. However it happened, I am happy and pleased. Thank you very much..and thenks to everyone who is sending me messages.

April 1, 2011
We are having a spring snowstorm here. It looks beautiful as it is coming down and I am happy knowing that it will soon be gone.
I am so ready to do some gardening and cleanup. I plant on my deck as we have deer that well eat almost anything. Last year I had tomatoes, peppers,green beans, strawberries..many many flowers and herbs. It was a little paradise out there!
Does anyone else do pot gardening? If so, what do you grow?
Have a good day everyone.
Sending you all a smile and a hug!

March 31, 2011
I have just returned to the "Hill" after a 2 year absence.
I am so happy to be back. This is such a peaceful, warm, and special place.

The last time I was here I was enthralled by my new little grandaughter, Talia's birth. She just turned two years old last week.

In January I was blessed to become grandma to another little baby girl, Sofia Eva.

These sweet babies and my son and daughter-in-law live in California....so we Skype......It is hard to be so far away.

I do not like liars, people who do not respect persons of all races, and countries, and religions. Seems like a no brainer to me...we are all the same! If you or your child or grandchild needed a transplant would you ask what religion, or color, or country the donor was from?

I like trying different kinds of teas and foods.

I like lavender and herb gardening.

I have always wanted to be able to take good pictures and now have a new camera......I think this will become my new fave.

I like reading..almost anything!!!!!!!!!! I have piles of books in my house. (No, I am not exagerating!)

I enjoy genealogy and have been working on making connections for many years. It is like a big puzzle and I enjoy finding living relatives as well as ones from the past.

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04/23/2021 06:45:21

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