Female 91 years old Centreville , Delaware, Delaware United States
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Christian - other |
06/04/2015 14:26:20 |
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First choice - Dixieland jazz; Big band sounds, Offenbach's Tales of Hoffman; the songs of Swainson's Warbler and Wood Thrushes, the sound of wind through pine trees on a winter day.
In the process of reading a book by P.M.H. Atwater called Near-Death Experiences, the rest of the story. It's a straight forward report based on statistical research. There are some individual stories given but for the most part Atwater analyses the information she's collected over 4 decades of research. I'm about half way through the book and have found many answers to questions that have bugged me following my event over30 years ago.
Blue, but enjoy all colors in flowers, rainbows, sunrises, sunsets and the rainbow sparkle from a dew drop
Baked fish, water cress salad, baked potatoes with yogurt and dill, hummus with roasted pepper, and blueberry cobbler with a generous dollop of whipped cream.
Have been away far too long. It's wonderful to come back and find friends are still here. Thanks to all who have stopped by this page and left your messages and notes. They are much appreciated.
Gardening, Dixieland jazz, paranormal subjects, conversations with friends, my cats, the aroma bread baking, a good laugh; camping; hiking in the woods especially along a little stream; the seashore along the Maine or Seattle coastlines
Grouchy, negative people; noise especially when it pretends to be "music"; foul language; gossips; hot weather; couch potatoes
Egg art, pen & ink or pencil drawings, photography, reading, paper crafts and needlework. The photo of the egg ornament is called Klondike and Snow, it won a First Prize in the painted egg category of an international egg art contest. About a year ago I joined Soldiers Angels Letter Writing Team. Every new name I get automatically becomes my adopted Grandson/daughter. Some of the letters I get in return put a very big lump in my throat.