jonma, Pittsburgh
Male 95 years old Pittsburgh United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1110
 [ 101 ]
10/14/2013 09:11:00 |
Not much of movie person but any of Eastwood's westerns and my all time fav. African Queen.
Mostly traditional jazz, dixie, and big band with a little country and soft rock thrown in.
Biographys, history and historical novels, adventure and crime novels.
I think I have no "favorite" color, it varies according to the occasion. Summer is green, autumn is gold and brown and red, bank account is green, Halloween is orange, and it goes on and on with the seasons and special days and events.
Unfortunately, I am quite electic about food. I enjoy most ethnic dishes and of course good old meat and potatoes. I am the cook in our house and enjoy trading recipes.
I am happily married to the girl of my dreams. We have five kids and nine grands. I could bore you with my bragging about the family but won't. Just say we are a close knit group.
I enjoy good friends to share activities, archery hunting, fishing, golfing, and good conversation. My best friend is the girl I share my life with.
Boors, rude or loud people, stupids. I don't like damp cold days or mud.
woodworking, hunting, fishing, golf, walking, playing cards with friends, gardening.