Female 92 years old New Zealand
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1698
    [ 1365 ]
04/27/2020 20:51:32 |
English films from the 30s and 40s

Travel Biography, Autobiography

Apricots,Avacado,Runnerbeans,Pavlova Raspberries
I have four children,
six grand daughters,
six grand sons andone
great grand daughter.I belong to U3A
and have a cat.

Walking in the bush, walking among mountains,
islands, clouds, Albatross, creepy crawly insects
sea birds,lakes surrounded by bush and mountains.

Strong winds, earthquakes, noise, crowds, verbal bullying
Garden a bit, cross stitch a bit,computer,reading,
digital photography.

Kahikatea has 29 friend(s)