Male 60 years old Famington, Missouri United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1059
[ 29 ]
08/23/2012 19:53:44 |
Mostly Sci-fi and Action and Adventure
Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne McGafferey
and the Inheritence series by Christopher Paolini.
Any thing that has to do with Dragons or Fantasy adventure.
If anybody is interested in on-line gaming, I play Diablo II, and am always looking for other players to join with.
I grew up a military brat, went into the military myself.Now I am in the agriculture business.
Football, the great outdoors and anything that involves the outdoors.
The cost of living, it keeps going up and my wages seem to stay were they are at.
Hunting,fishing,computer games and reading good Sci-Fi books.I also collect Dragons, all types and colors. You should see my collection.