Kel's Korner
Female 64 years old Brandenbug, Kentucky United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1126
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Christian - other |
07/18/2009 15:28:28 |
Just about everything John Wayne has ever done.
I like cowboy movies, war movies, girly movies and the old Disney movies made with animals.
My choice of music changes nearly as often as my .... well, you get it.
I like the country music from when it was country music, and just a little of today's country music.
I am crazy about big band music and adore dancing to it.
I'm even fond of a few of the old disco tunes, a couple of techno things I've heard recently, and I've always like southern rock.
Everything by Harold Robbins. The 'Carpetbaggers' at teh top of the ist.
I guess I'd have to say Red is my very favorite color. Most shades of it as well. Earthy colors compliment reds and that is what I like.
My favorite food...?...hmmm. I guess I'd have to say Edible :)
I think I'm a pretty good cook and I like to cook. I also like to eat. Like it too much sometimes. Homemade food is my very favorite, whatever it is. Chicken fried steak (country fried steak to those north and east of here LOL), with smashed potatos and cream gravy is right up there in the top 3 alongside authentic Mexican and Chinese.
I'm 47, for a short time longer, and I'm very happily married going on 15 years. (not my first)
I have a grown son, who lives back home in Oklahoma, 4 step kids, only 1 left at home, and a 1.5yo grand daughter, Scarlett, who is the light of our lives.
My husband and I met in Jan. 1994 in a blizzard in Minnesota. Very romantic :) We were both truck drivers, him from Ky and me from Ks. We saw each other in the truck stop and sat there making goo goo eyes at each other for a spell. I finally worked up the courage to speak to him and asked where he was headed. We've been in love since and married in July that same year.
We drove as a team for several years and then I went to work as a paralegal and he as a maintenance supervisor. After 6 years in the law office I was more than ready for a change and so was my husband. We both now work for
He is still a maintenance supervisor and I work in the receiving department and also drive the truck when trailers need moved. No over the road stuff. We both love it there.
Last, but not least, I'm a transplanted Okie now living in Kentucky.
Working in my yard and flowerbeds. Cooking, being with my grand baby, computing. I like camping and dutch oven cooking on a campfire.
The smell of rain on a freshly plowed field.
Fresh cut alfalfa.
Coffee, to smell and to drink.
Being married to my best friend.
Liars (the biggest reason I had to get out of that law office)
Gullible, lazy, mean people
Static in my hair
High humidity (I live in the wrong place)
The day after Christmas
Much the same as my likes. I've also made it something of a hobby to provide as much help as I can (without being a lawyer) to folks with legal needs. I've acquired quite a portfolio of things to help with fairly minor concerns. At the very least I can point them in the right direction most of the time.