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65 years old
United States

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Profile Views: 4732
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Profile Views: 4733

RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 03/28/2008
LAST LOGIN: 04/07/2016 20:30:15


I love time travel stories like
"Back to the Future", "Frequency" and "Star Trek"

(several have time travel.)

My favorite movie is "Somewhere in Time"
with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour,
which involves romance as well as time travel.

I also like romantic comedies like
"Short Circuit" and "Groundhog Day"
(which I watch every February 2nd.)
The Hallmark channel has some nice ones too.


My favorite song is
"It Is Well With My Soul."
Check out my blog to read the story behind it.

I mostly listen to Christian praise


  I love piano music  




I like the novels of Michael Crichton,
Sidney Sheldon & John Grisham, but
my favorite book is the Bible!

I discovered an interesting version called "The Message." I kept saying, "Does it really say that?" so I got a parallel Bible with The Message and NIV so I could compare easily. It is very accurate, but is put in everyday language.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 is very meaningful to me. Here are selections of these words of Paul from The Message: "So I wouldn't get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan's angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees...At first I didn't think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it...then he told me,
"My grace is enough; it's all you need.
My strength comes into its own
in your weakness."
Once I heard that, I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift...I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become."

What color are Ladybugs?


I love BBQ!

My favorite sauce is Sweet Baby Ray's

Then there's pizza


fried chicken

At a certain local restaurant I always order
Mandarin Chicken Salad...Mmmmm
(NOT really low-cal!)

Of course I can't forget coffee.

  ...and anything chocolate!  

I discovered an ice cream topping
that is unexpectedly delicious...
(Pure maple, not any old pancake syrup.)

In case you didn't know,
this is how to weigh yourself properly:

Now you know the RIGHT way!

I am obsessed with weather!


The most important thing in my life
is my friendship with Jesus.

My favorite verse is Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God."


I am a Christian, and I volunteer as an online crisis counselor for New Hope.
New Hope is a ministry of the Crystal Cathedral, having both phone and online service for crisis intervention. We help to prevent suicides first and foremost, and provide someone to talk with for many hurting people. I spend most of my time at the computer, largely for New Hope, counseling, mentoring, writing a newsletter, etc. www.newhopenow.org (You can also click the New Hope logo above.)

I have been very happily married to Allan since 1978, and we have known each other since we were in high school in 1974. He is such a gem, I am blessed!

We have two kids, Rachel and Michael. Rachel and Brandon got married in 2008 and have presented me with two adorable grandchildren! Jaxson was born in 2010 and Amelia in 2012.

Mike & Alaina were married in 2011 and bought a house that is just 1/2 mile from the Minnesota Zoo. They gave me my 3rd grandchild, Owen, born February 2013 - on his grandpa's birthday!

I used to teach piano, and music remains a huge part of my life. I love to worship in song!

In 1997 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I am open about having it, but when I was writing the info about myself here, it never came to mind. I like to be positive, and that didn't even occur to me. I try to dwell on the good things that have come into my life in spite of or even because of the MS. My involvement with New Hope for one, as it gave me on opportunity to minister when my outside activities became limited. Another thing is meeting my best friend. If we didn't both have MS we never would have known each other. We met online through MS Watch, and were amazed and astounded that we have so much in common. It is almost freaky, to the point where we started a list - which now has over 200 items!

I see here on the Hill that a lot of people have different health issues, so decided that I should say something about that part of my life. I can honestly say:



I am a bit of a computer nut!
(Does all day every day sound like a 'bit' to you?)

Oh, yes...I like LADYBUGS!

I love my computer!
I like sewing
I do crossword puzzles
and jigsaws both online and in 'real life'
I paint in the 'Bob Ross' style

Baking is fun, but then I tend to eat
(which is fun, too!)

I love growing things
I have a 'brown thumb' but I keep trying!

Ladybugs are good for gardens!

Smileycons! Did I mention that I like ladybugs? Smileycons!


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04/25/2021 06:27:51

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