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Doing it My Way Smileycons!

memory OFFLINE
81 years old
Heath, Ohio
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
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Profile Views: 6298

SMOKE: Sometimes
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 03/28/2008
LAST LOGIN: 02/28/2014 18:49:48

Arcade Champion: James
My High Score: N/A

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thrillers, drama, family, animals, musicals
On Golden Pond
Dirty Dancing
Rocky 1 thru 5
Die Hard 1 thru 4
Officer and a Gentleman

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From Nora Roberts to James Patterson and all in between.

Love a good book, one I can share a part in, get involved with and more or less live right along with the characters.

How bout you ?


Ask A Lady

On the morn of 1971, I climbed up in my first experience, with a big truck, It was love at first feel. Soon I was leased on to a Company in Oklahoma, now it was surely my time, at the wheel. State after state, mile after mile, alert as I could be. Always held a fascination for me.

To wake up in New York, have a bite of breakfast, then on down the road, one thing on my mind, get there safely, deliver this load, stooping in Ohio for a snack and may fuel, then off to my destination, feeling carefree and happy, never feeling cruel.

As time went on, I advanced in this great industry, from one big truck, I ventured out with 3.

The miles never shortened, the loads never ceased, the meals were so-so and my jeans now wore a truckers crease.

Comments were a plenty, on my CB radio, but with a light hearted attitude, I'd go back with a hey Joe. Some days were harder than others, you know it took me 15 years to get to know all my brothers.

Family, they were, family they'll always be, me? why shucks, now I'm an old retiree. Some tell me things, I should have known, like why that "White Line Fever" never goes away, In my heart and mind, that fever still soars today.

Times, they are a changing, the trucking breed forever grows, I stand up and hug, everyone of you truckers, as my time is gone over the road.

God Bless each and every rig out there on the highway, today, cause you know what? Truckers are here to stay.

Copyright ©2005 Katie-Did

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

When climbing up in that rig of mine, I smile and wonder of it all. Just another load, another mile to run, another job well done. I see the beauty of each state, as I listen to my pete without hesitate. I roll on and on, lonely at times, but always aware of the warning signs. This lane that I am in, is filled with yesterdays, of sorrow and bewilderment, of things that's gone stray, today I wonder, will I make it on time, getting my load to its destination, then relaxing with a smile, I call my dispatcher, to find out what's in store for the next 400 miles. Tomorrow, is coming, though the wheels have stopped spinning for me, an accident that left me paralyzed , they thought permanently. But you know, each time I see a big rig, see that black smoke unfurl, I know that yesterday, today and tomorrow was for this girl.

Copyright ©2005 Katie-Did

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Ghost 18 wheels

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Not a fussy eater, Time for a bite of this, that and the other.

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Met both these wonderful people on the hill. Have shared many memorable moments with them.


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Was born and raised on the east coast, Dundalk Maryland, right off the shores of the beautiful Chesapeake Bay, where boating, fishing, crabing and hospatality were tops! Graduated in 1961, have worked in many professions. Have done everything from being a manager in a store to toll-collector at Balto Harber Tunnel to driving a semi, 18 wheeler for 17 years. I can spin tall stories, laugh with the best of them, specialise in any field and CARE about people!

Living in Ohio now, the kids and I made Ohio our home after I lost my husband to cancer in 1995. We felt, we needed a change, together, so we jumped!

Beagle writes

Welcome Wagon Staff

Welcome Wagon Staff Visit us here.

My girl Missy
Waking up in the morning
My computer
A chuckle here and there
A book to read
Tv to watch, a radio to listen to and some old time rocknroll to keep me limber
A tale or two to swap with a friend
A good nights sleep, so I can forget everything I learned today, so I can do it again tomorrow

A complainer
A rude individual
Liver n Onions, UCK!

collecting lighthouses
sharing the day with my dog, Missy Girl
teaching Missy to drive on an asphalt road, not between trees, chasing a rabbit
My Girl, Missy Crusin


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Displaying 2 out of 2 comments
07/12/2023 12:56:12

Still miis you.
Happy Birthday in Heaven!

07/12/2019 12:23:37

Birthday Comments

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