I am a strange character to say the least! LOL
Male 66 years old Springdale, Arkansas United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1559
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Christian - other |
06/12/2017 10:46:43 |
I like action movies but more to say yeah right to and laugh at the very unbelievable stuff they try to sell... I don't like scarry movies if there is even such a thing, still again just kinda really dumb to me! I guess I like the mind thinking who done it's mostly and then of course good adventure movies like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Not really a Trekie but the shows and the movies are rather fun to watch! Good Hiests Movies are good most the time and of course like the Borne Trilogy and the talented Mr Ripply! That was a great movie!
I listen mostly, when it is my choice that is, to alternative Christian music, softer lyrical things not so much the God Freak Stuff, Head bang'en is not so much me! Like most other music even been known to listen to some rap, from the movies and my son Ty records a bunch and produces for others as well... But mostly if not Christian music I like soft rock and oldies from the 50's, 60's, 70's, & 80's mostly. Not a big country fan but like some of the rock'en recordings like Garth and such! No opera or classical to much to speak of, though it is nice sometimes, I just don't choose it for myself!
Not much for reading but I do dabble in what little time that is spare time with writing a bit! Been writing a series of books since 1996! about 6 books worth if I ever get it together. Been trying to post online the intro book! Will post link when I get settled in here a bit more!
If ya can't tell, I guess I will... LOL Blue many shades, tones and hues! My eyes are even blue on blue many times when in the right mode... Like the characters on Doon! Is rather cool, and I have the bedroom eyes look! So I been told!
Meat and Tato man all the way! Though I manage to eat my veggies just don't ever think I will just it veggies! LOL Gotsta have my meats! Beef, Chicken & Pork that is. No wild game, just not me! I kill and eat nothing! Not that into Turkey either but on the holidays I nab a bite or two! I guess you can say I am a very picky eater! Mostly cook all my own meals but a good night out Supper on occassion is good with me! Not a big fast food fan though!
only twitters I hear are the birds out me window! LOL I don't really use my phone for much other then as a phone! which I am not that fond of either! but that is all my phone does! LOL
Just started on here and trying to make it my place, let me know what ya think so far? Hows my personal touches looking so far?
I am still legally married though we have been seperated for nearly a year now. and we live over 500 miles apart and do not want that to change any time soon! Never will we get back together again, though I miss the kids greatly even though only one is my true child by genetics - biologically, They all feel like my kids and I love and miss them all. Wife ran off with a man she meet from Iowa on facebook... go figure, Divorce is coming when I can afford to get it! Guess I was not the one she relly wanted even though I supported her in all but the open marriage thing she asked for before she left! Only woman I ever really loved enough to be faithful with! Go figure just my payback for the ass I use to be for so long way back when, I guess. Before I found God and Jesus became my Saviour and my life! I was born again, and practice and study Baptist Preachings. I sing in my church choir and do solos and specials from time to time. Been told I sing well, but I am not to sold on that fact! LOL Christ is why I no longer drink, smoke or do drugs any more and wish no one in my life to partake in as well. But that is totally up to them. I am a kind loving gentle man with a giant heart that breaks as some say, way to easily! But that is me! I have no problem showing my passion and my pains. Though I have a high tolerance and patience for many things that rage others, I still have a temper to reckon with from time to time. I was nearly 5 1/2 years Special Forces Army AirBorne and was pushed out by politics for being a very sick man! I have an illness that is very rare and has been called Secondary Pituitary Addison's Disease. A disfunction of the Pituitary Gland in the brain, may be genetic posibly stemming from my Mom's battle with polio and may be considered a Post Polio Syndrome! Not sure is anyone in the medical field! But I must live with very dibilitating symptums at times and yet at other times I tolerate and do very well. Others have thought that it may be from having to many head injuries I have had 8 concussions that I know of for sure! Posible more!
I am Dragon... life does tend to drag on LOL but more in the sense of the Fantasy Dragon Creature.. refer to my photo of I am Dragon! It is for sure me!
I was also into ProWrestling to the point as to train to be one. 1984-85 up to the time I was in a very bad accident on my motorcycle! See image of me back in the day! Kinda very funny! LOL
I like companionship, holding my mate and cuddling! Kissing and making love! I miss these things... I like longer hair, long and silky is so sexy to me! In fact at one time I had my hair very very long. But then again that was a very long time ago now! I am not picky with wieght and in fact like a bigger gal more so to hold, softer, but the soul and the heart is my biggest likes! Knowing a thing or two isn't a bad thing either! Common sense is a requirement! I like to stay home and be private together, though a movie or out to eat is fun from time to time, I like to fish and camping is always fun! Swimming is ok and love the water slides, I use to like amusement parks but have a bit of a hard time handling them now days! I like a nice motorcycle ride though haven't had that life a very long time now! I like clean cut woman! Godly temple with their bodies. The natural look. A woman that can talk even if there isn't much return conversation as I am more of a listener. And yes I actually do listen. Though I do like the quiet times as well. Just sitting cuddling and watching a show or movie on the boobtube! I like walks around the lake or river area parks and nature in general, I love watching animals in their habitate, and the whole out of doors thing is cool. I love sunsets and sunrises, and all the beauty that God has created for us to enjoy! And then there is Football, real football, not college, but the NFL... Oh I like football, but not obcessed with it, just enjoy it, not a stat man or anything! Can't hold long conversations about this guy or that! But just love to watch the game unfold through the season and who will be standing champ at the end of the year! Love it! Miss it this year already! LOL
I don't like caked on make-up and to much jewelry, over colored or over treated hair that is like straw. Tatoos and percings every where! ears are fine if not over done! Hair cut short or wierd. long and silky is great! even when grey! Overly obcessed women about their wieght! Healthy is fine but if you are working all day everyday at you wieght and that is all you talk about, I not like that!
I write and draw, and paint and sculpt, very artistic in so many ways! I take pictures of the skys and the beauty that God has given us to enjoy!