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SEMPER FI, to the value of every life, praise God and Pass the ammo

mem_normal OFFLINE
74 years old
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We were Soldiers, Open Range,Witch Mountian, Argon and many more, Mary Poppins of course and a lot of Disney could take pages I guess.

That is wide open, Clasical to hard rock, there is more then just the type of music, if it has a meaning that I can relate to then I will like it , never saw the sence in judging all of a type of music by a bad song in that style. Each to their own there though, some days I want Jazz and some days I want blues, Willie and Whallen have there place and Dolly too Reba lots of the country, but then Pink Floyd and the Who, could go on forever just love music over all, still like it a little loud too!

The Hollow Earth, tops my list Backwoods home, Mother earth news, I know mag's but still love them, lots of research books for solar and farmng self suficent and ways to be more self caring and earth friendly, not a crazy tree hugger that makes to many rules for every one else but would like to make this earth a better place for my childern so learning is teaching and they will follow a good example.

There are many shades of emotion and the green and blue give so much peace from the clear water to the ocean depths and the skies each a little differant and yet all so very close to the heart

Oh now for the bad stuff, A huge baked patato with sour creem and chives and a ton of butter, bar-ba-qued onions in foil with garlic and more butter, a good Rib-eye steak medium rare and an ice cold beer, fresh salid with all the trimings, abunch of friends to sit in the cook cottage and listento music and talk over the weather or other subjects with, food is more then a meal it is the sharing that makes it work and then of course the flavor is always better when you can trade cooking stories

I am in the Health care bussiness, I run nall over the place in this big white and blue Amb. and have been for many years Being a E.M.T. and taking cacre of folks is a rewarding job that I will do till I can no longer do it. And as above I love learning to better make my world a niccer place, and then just building something even if it is only a bird house, or stone walk way, to do with your own hands is a blessing, you feel like you have done something.

A quieter way of doing things, dark forests and open deseerts,places where you can be alone or take a friend, a world where the value of life is more then money, a place where you can plant and watch things grow and get your hands into the earth. To build and make things, helping to be more self reliant, working with alternate power sources better ways of building a home that is energy plus, trying not to be so lazy and quit making excuses and get er done!!!!

manipulation, greed, the loss of our constitution and the need for those who can not survive unless they are controling and ruling over others, the loss of the time where moms could stay home and raise their kids. The worst is how politions can lie and be believed with no recourse to be held accountable or do what they say they will, lot of blue sky with only rain a result.

Love green houses and planting, growing trees, working on alterante eneregy devises and solar energy, puzzeles and good debates, fishing and the out of doors, ultra light planes and helicopters which is still in the very green stage
no paraschutes in ultra lights so have to be right first time and every time

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06/02/2021 06:42:50

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