Female 77 years old Florida United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 20148
    [ 10797 ]
02/02/2025 17:45:51 |
Do not read much anymore. Use to read, Steven King, Dean Koontz
Favorite colors-Burgundy, reds, blues

Favorite foods - Steak and potato, lobster, fried shrimp,
Diet coke and ice tea

Name - Nancy -- Born January 17th in ,NC = adopted...... .... Some day I hope to see it, snow!!! :) ~If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is probably not for you." ::: ::: "No matter where you go....there you are."~ ::: ::: Who am I?~ A mate, and friend.~ An artist, webmaster, and starry eyed wonder.~ A procrastinator and a defender.~ Someone who loves scary movies and mysteries.~ Someone who loves strawberry shortcake. ~ Things that turn me on.**~ Vacations~ Compliments~ Sunny days~ Rainy days~ My computer~Working in OR~ Retirement ~ Buying a new car~ Fresh flowers & beautiful artwork~ Hugs and Kisses from love ones~ Week-ends~ Sense of humor~ Loyal friends (You know who you are) ~~~ Things that don't**~ People who ask you to vote for them in "site fights"~~ Hurricanes~ No electricity~ A flat tire~ Dishonesty~ Hypocrites~ Smog and Pollution~ Animal cruelty~ People who take advantage of others~ A really bad pizza!~ Cleaning house~ Doctor appointments~ Cleaning the birdcage ~ Random Facts**~ I'm old enough to know better but too young to resist.~~ I love my Mate~~ I remember Elvis, and miss him.~~ I remember Viet Nam ~~ I'm a Floridian with sand in my shoes.~~ I'm still crazy after all these years.

People who ck things out before forwarding. People who use the BCC line!
People who support, gay rights.
People who do not judge before they get to know you...

Fibromyalgia, stupid doctors, patient abuse, Elder abuse, oil on my beaches, people who think they know me , but don't.
People who add me as a friend ..only to add to their , "friend count".

Collect name tags, blinkies, and my message board
On A Clear Day
Click on the name of the board to go there and register at the top right. Any problems let me know.

Lightfeather has 28 friend(s)