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mem_normal OFFLINE
74 years old

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JOB: Teacher
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RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 08/22/2008
LAST LOGIN: 04/25/2020 20:53:52

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Forest Gump, Fried Green Tomatoes, Shawshank Redemption and an oldie..Madame X with Lana Turner I think..also 'Imitation of Life' with Sandra Dee and I think Natalie Wood...loved both those old ones. Lots of others too I'm sure..but they don't come to this ol' mind at the moment)
I love any good love story or drama.

I like a good variety of music...rock, country rock, country & Western...and some of the 'old' stuff too.

oh...where to begin...I don't remember lots of authors names but I LOVE to read...Im' at the library each week and I'm thrilled when I find a good book and then continue with that author until I've read them all and then move on to a new one..I love getting suggestions from others on the books they enjoy and then I can try them too.
Debbie McComber, Barbara Delinsky, Mauve Binchy etc etc etc etc

I love blue and pink...and shades of green. I wear a lot of beige too tho...there are lots of pretty colors.
And depending on if this color is for clothes or for paint for the wall whether I'm liking it or not..ha,ha

I have lots of favs in foods). Turkey dinner is a top one, also bbq almost anything with new potatoes, dill & butter melted over top..mmmmm)).
Love homemade bread/buns. Homemade fries...lots of stuff that isn't good for me). Especially when I'm trying to lose weight most of the time).

My sister and I were on vacation a while ago to Saskatchewan to see our eldest sister. It was going to be a surprise for her 75 b/day but she ended up in the hospital and is still there. It has been two weeks now and she has very serious health issues. I feel very sad for her. Lots of prayers would help.

Let's see..I'm not too sure what to write here).
I'm married now for 41 years this past June. My husband is now away working and I'm not back to work yet and my friend Bob suggested I join this group b/c everyone is so friendly and kind. So, here I am). I have two grown girls and two teenage grandchildren that I adore, well, I do my girls too). I work in the high school system assisting 'special needs' kids and kids with behaviour issues.
I am the youngest of five children. My dear parents are both gone now.

Love sunshine and warmth!!! Love having good friends that I visit with. I like my own company as well). I like to read, crotchet, knit (scarves, b/c I'm not good at it otherwise), putz on the computer...watch a bit of TV.
I like to eat cooking more than actually cooking it..ha,ha, but that's ok too. I love laughing and having a good time.
I also like to be 'liked')

I truly don't like being disrespected.
I don't like gossip, back stabbing and liars.
I want people to be honest and up front with me.
I can handle whatever happens as long as it's honest.

I'd say my biggest hobby these days is visiting friends. I get the summers off so I 'catch up' with friends and get to know them again. They're very important to me. I love to socialize and I also like time alone..and putz here.
I have to say collecting Old Country Rose, Royal Albert is a passion of mine.

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03/30/2021 06:39:37

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