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mem_normal OFFLINE
64 years old
United States

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JOB: Homemaker
SMOKE: Socially
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RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 12/16/2008
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 11/22/2009 07:12:08

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I enjoy most movies that have good acting in them. true crime would be one of my favorites. below are a couple of my favorites. but I watch a wide verity of movies because my brother is a movie buff and drags me along :)

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I read most anything. but here are a couple of my favorites

Forest Green, & Purple, but love most all colors.

Pasta & Salads, Hamburgers & Fries, sea food.

Kozy~ Who is my Mom

Well probably what most people know about me now is I am one of the biggest Pittsburgher Steelers fan's there every was lol.
Being raised with 3 older brothers and watching football every Sunday, well it just grow's on you until you find you are
in love with the game and the Steelers. Nascar is my next sport, Go Jimmy Johnson lol. But also I am a Mom of 3 wonderful
children. my oldest daughter is 28 years old and married with 2 beautiful children. My son is 25 years old and just got out
of the air force after 6 years served. he is also married with a child on the way. Then there is my youngest daughter. she
will graduate high school this year, then start college....I am married to a pretty super guy. we have been together 23 years,
and married 19 years this April. we have 2 dogs that are very much a part of the family.

I Just love dachsunds. they are a big dog trapped in a little dogs body!! I enjoy filling my bird feeders and watching to see who is coming for breakfast! I love listening to the rain at night on the roof while drifting off to sleep. I enjoy planting flowers in the spring, and summer walks with my grandchildren. and campfires.

Well that would be animal abusers, child abusers, and people who think they are better then others. long lines at check-outs. and people who don't respect wildlife.

I got my kids into 4-H when they were young. so we ended up raising rabbits for 14 years. it was quite a hobbie. ton's of fun, show's to go to, people to meet. it was a fun 14 years. I kept all the rabbit stuff just in case when the grandkids get old enough and they want to give it a try? well I have them all set up lol. course there Mom will probably have them into horses also :)

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